This life is no life any more

Dear Rachel

I am so sorry for your loss and heartache
I completely understand you
I loss my husband 4 years ago and I too am loss without him
I find it hard to have a purpose now
What is the point of my life now he is not here to share the happy and lows of life
When you have loved someone so much for whatever length of time you feel empty

What’s good about this site is we are all in the same boat and understand
Keep coming on the site we are all here to listen to you and maybe comfort
Sending my love


It is still so raw for you. You have friends on this site who understand. Take one day, or hour, at a time and don’t expect too much of yourself. You are wounded and need time and care. Sending comfort Barbara

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I know exactly what you mean and how you feel. I myself am coming up to two years in April and it has got no easier. I have been numb since my husband died, I keep being told I have changed I am not the person they knew. Of course I am not the same person, how can I be , we did everything together, I was spoiled rotten by a man that loved me very much as I loved him, so how could I possibly be the same without him. I do stupid things because I do not have any direction or sense of purpose in life anymore
I feel your pain as I am sure we all do on this site but we are here for you


Thanks. Keep your heart open, talk to any widows or widowers nearby. It really helps. Don’t isolate yourself.

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Couldn’t agree more, I’m sorry you are suffering the awful pain of losing your beloved. It’s so difficult, I know I have completely changed, I’m only half the person I was.
I have no concept of time or dates and have to be reminded of every thing.
My sister in law invited me out for lunch next Sunday and I asked her if it was a special occasion and she said she yes, it’s Mother’s day.
My Pete also spoiled me rotten, we absolutely adored each other and I feel like my life is over since I lost him very suddenly in November 2021.
People say stupid things, I guess they mean well but unless you have been through it you have no idea how much it effects every aspect of our lives.
Take care


Hi I was asked today at work if I had a nice weekend . I felt like saying no it was s*** . I don’t have nice anything anymore since my hubby died .just sit lonely watching the minutes go by wishing I was with him . Take care x


Reading your messages I have the same feelings will never be the same person every day is a struggle will it ever get manageable I don’t think so We do best we can don’t we I have kept busy today now in a hole missing my husband so much very painful journey we are all on people don’t no what we are going through they think that we will get over it I don’t have many patients any more must try
Hope you all sleep xx


Guys, reading the messages on here breaks the heart.
Seventy years old and five years since I lost her after 46yrs of bliss, I to just wait for the final curtain.
I’m just glad it’s me going through this, and not her. At least she hasn’t to go through years of sadness and grief, which at least is a blessing. Thinking of you all…J


This may sound strange, but.Shell loved Holby, ( I can’t watch it, too many memories) anyway back to the point. I saw today, its the last ever episode tonight, I found myself in tears over this.
Take care all x


We try to get through best we can, She’ll was more or less house bound in her last 3 months, so the T.V. was her escape, she loved her soaps, 2 years next month , she left us, hasn’t watched a second of any of them since. Just can’t… x


Sorry some misspelt words in there