Those still alive

Does anybody look at certain people in society and ask yourself how come they’re still alive why wasn’t it them?


Totally, went through all that. It’s uncanny how we all share the same thoughts on this forum! Seeing couples argue gets me, want to shake them and ask, is that the last thing you want them to hear from you? :roll_eyes:


Glad it’s normal I felt a bit evil the first time I thought it. Yep got a sister who moans about hers and I say at least he’s still here she sharp shuts up


I know exactly what you mean. Lots of wicked people in this world but i guess god only wants the best souls to be angels. The wicked ones are not wanted in heaven.


Yes feel totally jealous of other couples and annoyed with the ones that don’t appreciate each other. I also think why some horrible people I know are still here or are older than my husband when he’s not here and was a good person, husband, dad grandad & friend. Not nice but I can’t help it. Feel so cheated.


The sad fact is “we live and then we die”. Unfortunately it’s easy to look at others and see the worst. It’s so hard losing someone so dear to us. Rest in the fact that they are at peace and were loved while they were here on Earth. And they’ll still be looking down on you. I’m reading a book ‘signs of the universe’, interesting stuff in there. Apparently those that have passed are always looking out for us in so many ways, ways we don’t usually notice day to day. I hope you eventually get signs that they are close and around and are loving us all here. Hugs. xx


It’s nice to know other people think/thought it too. Grief has gave me a bitter streak I also feel cheated


Seen a medium about 2 weeks ago and I believe he’s here around us. But he’s not here how I want him

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I know, it’s so difficult without them. Be kind to yourself. Let your emotions out. xxx

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im so glad this is normal!! especially since he was so young passing I’ll see older couples and I didn’t know if I was more confused or jealous

Definitely jealousy for me. Mine was 52 still far too young

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wayyy too young especially when you see couples that are in they’re 80s/90s. my partner is 22 so everywhere I go I see people having the things we should have had the time to have.


I certainly do, all the people going round making lives a misery for others, drunks and drug users.

Older people for me, just reminded me of what we’d lost, took a long time to work through that anger, so glad I’m not on my own with that. younger couples make me feel really happy, all the potential and good times to come. All in the eye of the beholder!

Totally accurate

Had thoughts about the very elderly too

Mine eas 52 as well. Totally shocked to my core.

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It’s horrendous never felt pain like it

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