Thoughts and feelings

Every day is so painfull and empty withoutyou. You made everything worthwhile and made my life worth living. You completed me and helped me become a better person. You gave me your heart and your love and I gave you mine and my heart will always be yours. You taught me how to open up about my feelings and to trust again and that it didn’t mean I was weak to cry because as you knew as a kid I was told I was weak to cry and I was laughed at for it so I would hide it and only cry when I was alone. You taught me it was ok to be afraid and that I didn’t always have to be strong. You gave me so much pauline and for all that you gave me and for all that you are and will always mean to me I am truly grateful and feel blessed that I had you in my life. Since losing you I don’t care who sees me cry. The tears just flow and my heart is broken the pain is unbearable and relentless it never ends. That empty feeling and feeling so lost it never goes. I talk to you all the time as though you are still here god I wish you were. You are my soulmate and the love of my life and no words ever seem enough to express just how much I love you. All I can say is I’m so deeply and completely in love with you. I miss you more than I have ever missed anyone or anything. I want you and to be with you more than life itself. I need you more than I have ever needed anyone and as you know I don’t like to admit that I need anyone. But you knew me inside and out better than anyone ever has or ever will. Thankyou my darling pauline for loving me and never giving up on me. I will hold you safe within my heart and carry you with me through everything I do and I will do my best to make you proud. In all honesty my love even though I’m still here I died with you for I will never be the same. You were the best part of my life the best part of me. Our furbabies miss you to cara looks for you sometimes she lays on the sofa where you used to sit. I’m not living anymore babe I’m just existing because there is no life for me without you nothing to look forward to but I keep going because you would want me to and we promised eachother that which ever one of us went first the other would carry on and take care of our pets. You are the most beautiful and kindest woman I have ever had the pleasure to know. My heart and soul are yours forever. Our love will last me the rest of my life until we are reunited and I’m finally with you again. Be at peace my sweet baby I love you xxxxx


Aww Casey, the pain is relentless. It’s there every day, all day. What a beautiful message you have written, she will be so proud of you, your love for her is so deep and she knows. Your thoughts and feelings are exactly how I feel about my Marti.
Take care Casey, keep posting as I often think of you.
Amy xx

Casey. So glad you opened up again on this page. I was really worried about you
Your descriptions of your love are so deep and meaningful. You have certainly still got your lovely heart. Xxx

So true, I feel so sad reading it as it resonates for me too , we’re all so heartbroken and this road of grief so tough to follow, all I have to hang on to are precious memories, it’s all been so sudden and I keep thinking ‘is this really my life now ? ‘
I don’t recognise or want any part of it and where have I gone ? I’m just an empty shell but it helps to know I’m not alone hugs to everyone xx

Good morning you beautiful people,

Yes another day of struggling and emptiness but thank god we all have each other.

Sending you all hugs.

Dee xx


@Amylost hi Amy thankyou for your kind words. I think it’s something that each of us feel that have our soulmates and yeah the pain is always there but so is the love take care sending hugs x

@Angiejo2 hi angie thankyou for your kind words and for being concerned about me. I’m still taking one day at a time. It’s all I can do right now. You take care sending love x

@MAB hi I am so very sorry for your loss. Do keep posting on here you will find support and I hope you have support around you. I think the emptiness is something we all feel after all our soulmates were our lifes. My thoughts are with you sending hugs x

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@Dee64 good afternoon dee another day to battle through. But like you said we have eachother to try to help as best as we can take care x

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It’s sad that we don’t all live local. It would have been nice to be able to all sit together and cry, chat, advise and support each other in the flesh xx