Thoughts and feelings

It will 19 months this month since you died. I miss you so very much every second of everyday. I love you more than any words could ever express. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, my reason for being. Who am I withoutyou? Your death has changed me so much. I have always been empathic but now even more so. But mainly only for people who are bereaved. I’m a lost empty shell without you. You gave me the happiest and best years of my life and gave me so much love and showed me what real love was. I am so glad that I had you in my life and for the years we had together. Though they weren’t long enough. I was meant to grow old with you. I do carry you with me and I will do so all my life. I will never stop loving you. I can’t it’s not possible. I truly believe we were made for eachother. I have times where I can think of you and smile especially when I imagine you smiling. Your smile would light up a room. I would get so lost looking into your eyes. Eyes are windows to the soul and your soul was so beautiful as are you. I am a better woman because of you and you showed me it’s ok to show my vulnerable side. Not something I have shown to many people. I have spent everyday alone since you died apart from our pets. My family don’t bother with me. But then I don’t reach out to them either what’s the point.This is the longest I have lived alone in my adult life. Everyday is such a battle and I’m so very tired babe. But I won’t give up, I will keep trying for you and our babies. I feel like I just muddle through each day and nothing makes any sense withoutyou. You are an amazing lady with such a kind a beautiful loving soul and the most beautiful woman I have ever had the pleasure to know. So intelligent, funny and witty. A great sense of humour. You always made me laugh. I miss our banter. I miss everything about you and I so miss hearing your voice. You know in all my years only 2 people have ever made me feel safe. One was my mum and the other was you. Life scares me withoutyou in it. Be at peace my beautiful darling. I love you my sweet beautiful perfect Irish rose :rose: and I always will. My :heart: is yours forever and every tear I shed is filled with love for you. Yours always casey xxxxx


Dear Casey such lovely words to your Beautiful Pauline she is looking down on you and is so proud of you. Big hugs to you. X

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@Jen153 dear jen thank you. I do hope so. All i can do for her now is to keep going and try to make her proud. I hope you are doing as ok as you can . Thank you for the hugs. Sending you hugs x

Dear Casey thats all we can do is keep going you for Pauline me for Peter like you I have a fur baby called Drift who keeps me going for walks. Thank you for the hugs sending you hugs too. X