Three Presents.

When Christ was born there were three wise man who came from afar bearing gifts. The gifts were of a material nature but were to pay homage to a newly arrived King. Born not in a Palace but in a stable because there was no room elsewhere. No room in our hearts maybe?
I wonder at this time of year how many give gifts of a material nature. Most do. But the three greatest gifts we can bring are those that reside only in the heart and have no material value.
Compassion, Empathy and Understanding. Three gifts that can’t be bought no matter how rich we are. Cant be got by training or talking or reading. They are either there or not.
They are all here on this site but why does it take such awful adversity to bring it out? We, on here, bring those gifts to one another. Not for personal gain but because we know and understand. This is not a place any of us want to be, but if it brings out those three gifts then it must be worthwhile.
To all my friends on here and to anyone who has suffered over the past year just remember, there is another gift that encompasses all three, Love!!! Without that unconditional love we could not survive.
We all need each other, and I often feel closer to those on here than those who surround me.
Take care everyone. Do the best you can over this season. It won’t be easy for so many but you are all in our thoughts and prayers.
Blessings and hugs. XX


That’s lovely Jonathan thank you. And to you too


Lovely post Jonathan and so true. Hope this love surrounds us all and gets us all through one of the hardest times of the year…along with a few glasses of our favourite tipples (mine being Bailey’s)


I echo other people comments. A lovely post.
I loved but I never truly knew how deep one could love until the loss of my Mum.
(Of course, I am experiencing deep love and grief and the same time. )
Love is the most important thing, yet many of us loose sight of that, as we get caught up in the stresses and strains of life.


Well Jonathan, I love how u always turn sadness into a lovely growing moment that we can all learn from. I think u have an inspiring way of looking at loss. Good for u.

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Dear Jonathan,
Thank you for the most beautiful post I have ever read. I am sorry that my response is well overdue, I am still catching up, after my stay as a guest of the NHS.
Take care,