
Has anyone else developed ticks since their spouse passed? I have it’s making me crazy. I’ve tried three different medications to stop I don’t know what else to do but anytime the stress gets to me it gets worse. I only seem to do it when I’m alone thank goodness at least at this point.

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I had tics when I was under great stress. I think it will slowly go away and the side effects of medicines may not be worth it. allow the grief to have its way with you and one day it will pass. :heart:

you must have been somewhere to pick them up, either in the garden where foxes have been, horribel little creatures

@Cynsea I’ve developed a stutter over the past 3 months… it drives me insane that there are times I can’t get a sentence out, particularly when I’m feeling stressed. I’m sure it will go in time x

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Yes I seem to have one under my eye which feels really obvious but I don’t think you can see. I also have on in the base of my thumb and can see the whole muscle moving. This loss is the most stressful thing that has ever happened to me so in a way I’m not surprised they are happening.

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