Time anomalies

Since my husband died in May 23 I have been struggling with time Well the days pass very slowly but a week just whizzes by.Is this a usual grief reaction it makes me feel out of touch with everything Has anyone else experienced something similar. I am trying to be the moment with meditation. Any insights on how to get time to settle down

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Hi @Stranger1, and welcome. Your situation sounds absolutely normal at this early raw stage. We spend a few weeks with our minds in total chaos. It’ll settle doagreewn, don’t worry about it.
I agree with the meditation approach, Mindfulness is a great way to slow the brain down.
Don’t panic, be patient and it’ll be OK.


@Stranger1 it’s totally normal for time seem to travel slow and fast. Especially in the early days when your mind is all over the place. It does settle.
I lost my partner 21 weeks ago. I can’t believe I’ve got this far, months are all a blur but i have.
Meditation is good. I found anything that could distract my mind from the intense grief for a while.
Just take things one day at a time and do what feels right for you.


Dear Stranger1, I am glad that I am not the only one who thinks there is something wrong with the time. I have the feeling that time is moving faster forward since my husband suddenly died this February. I tried meditation as well but I just cannot really calm down. Sending you lots of love and hugs.

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Jason Stephenson on you tube is brilliant and he also does grief ones specific for meditation.
I highly recommended him