Time moves too quick

Does anyone else feel like time moves too fast? Initially when I lost my girl 490 days ago it felt like everything was dragging in and just horrendous. Now im over a year into grief I wish i could slow stuff down. Time seems to move by so fast and Im always scared im forgetting her too much, what she sounds like, smells like, and everything like that. Just wish i could rewind a bit, or at least slow the time down. I see loads of people in grief saying how their days drag in and they wish time would move quicker, dont know if its weird that i feel the opposite way


Same here. It’s 9 months since I lost my partner, and I don’t know where it’s gone. I think part of it is now having to do all his house chores as well as my own; the days whizz past, and yes, you want to stop time, get off it, and just have time to remember them. Like being on a roundabout that goes faster and faster and doesn’t stop.


Yes, i can’t believe how quick time is passing, it’s crazy. So much has happened and he’s missed so much in life.
Half way through year two and finding it hard. My reality was not the plan I had.
How’s your little girl doing?


She’s doing well thank you for asking. It’s a struggle sometimes grieving and parenting, I struggle with the fact she won’t ever remember her mummy and how to explain everything when she’s older and has questions but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. She’s very clever and thriving


Glad to hear she’s is doing so well. You’re clearly a great father! She will know her mum through you. Keep a diary for her of everything you remember. Take each step as it comes. Just talk about her, that’s all you can do x

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