Time travel

Hi there everyone things you think about in this so called life after,I have been a Si-fi fan for many years and was thinking about time travel this morning and looking back though photos I had not seen for many years found one of my wife in 1976 we were married 1975 she passed away last November,anyway this photo was a holiday at Pontins in Dorset it was of Jane winning tall girl competition she was 5’10the smile on her face she was so proud ,she was 23 at the time and just to go back in time to see again that beaming smile would make it all worthwhile,she was 67 when she passed away but she always carried that smile even to the last she will always be that girl of 23 I married 43 years ago.
Does anyone else have a time they would travel back to if they could to be with their loved ones?? Or am I living in a si-fi fantasy world.
. hang on in there memories are there even if our loved ones are not.
. MM69

Hi MM69.
This has really made me think, with a mixture of smiles and tears. For the Order of Service for Carolyn’s funeral we picked 3 photos. It was a democratic process with myself and four kids. The smile is the same on each one, and I still see that same smile in my kids and grandkids.
I have a copy of that order of service in each room and I constantly look at them and try to remember the detail. The first one she was 17 and she’s sitting on the castle walls at Richmond. I’d taken her to meet my grandmother and aunts and I was so proud of her. It’s not every day a Frog manages to attract a Princess, and I didn’t even work hard for it. Had the National Lottery been around then I’d have have bought dozens of tickets with that kind of luck.
The second picture we are at a wedding and she was in her forties. I caught her unawares when I took the photo but she just turned and looked at me. Completely stunning and I still didn’t know just how lucky I was. It’s simply breathtaking.
Thirdly she’s sitting in the sun holding her first grandchild. I’ve no words to describe that mixture of euphoria and radiance. Eleven years ago and still beautiful with no idea of what was to come, thankfully.
Some friends came yesterday and they’d known her at each stage in the photos. We laughed and I told them it recounted my journey from complete lust to complete love. They were going to look when they got home for photos that told their journey.
It’s strange to think how the photos laid with many others in boxes and never saw the light of day. Now they have assumed an incalculable value. I just wish I could remember more of the detail.
As for the era, it’s got to be back to that 17 year old girl and the chance to relive it all but add in all I’ve learned about love but much earlier.

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Hi it would have been our 46 wedding anniversary last weekend, it is four months and three weeks since my husband died aged 69, I got the wedding album out first time in years, after wiping the dust off it sat with my 11 year old grandaughter going through it, she was very amused to see her grey haired grandad with dark curly shoulder length hair, it really transported me back to that magic day, giggling with her over these old black and white photos (couldn’t afford the colour version in those days) really lifted my heart and made me realise there is light at the end of this dark tunnel, I just need to be willing to take the steps. The memories of happy times I’ll always be with us whatever path we take


I had to laugh at that. It was 45 years for us on Easter Monday. Our grandkids crack up looking at the photos. Not sure why but it had to be colour photos in a leather album. Taking account of inflation its probably worked at £100 a viewing. It makes me laugh looking at myself and my brothers with long hair and platform shoes, especially as I am 6ft 4in tall. I suppose it was all worth it if it gives the kids a laugh. It all seemed very serious at the time. That night I was instructed by my dearest to pick all the confetti up from the hotel carridor. We got a round of applause when we walked into the dining room for breakfast. What a laugh that was.

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Hi again the memories and the changes we can see in old photos fashions we thought were top dog then bags and bell bottoms,waistcoats collars on shirts about down to your waist the smell of brut,old spice gillete hairspray made your hair feel as hard as a board,hi karate us lads certainly dressed up to the nines in those days.
. I see the change in fashion in my wife hair passed her shoulders at 23 tight curly perm at 40 to straight short hair in her sixties going dancing on Saturday nights the girls in long dresses my wife used to wear Charlie perfume I can still smell all these years on,we all certainly looked what we thought was the bees knees different to today they seem to wear the same clothes all day.
. Talking of wedding photos made me think of our wedding reception my in-laws had our due at the co-op£9-£10ahead what does it cost now plus there was stamps or dividend for having it at the co-op.
My wife kept her wedding dress £100 in those days and my suit £70 at Burtons made to measure they are both up in our loft now I certainly couldn’t get in my suit now.
. Memories through the years some painful would I live them all again you betcha
regards again MM 69

I think we would all live them again again and again given the chance, but looking at the wedding album made me want to get out all the albums, first time since not husband died, some have made me laugh, some cry, I see this as another step on this very scary new unwanted journey, but unfortunately we can’t get off, I do take comfort that wherever I am on this journey my husband is with me cheering me on and telling me go on girl you can do it

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Hi, all so interesting, what wonderful memories. It was our wedding anniversary last Monday the 6th. It seemed like yesterday. I too looked at our wedding photo’s. My handsome, husband. It was a third marriage for both of us, so we wanted no fuss, just a small gathering of friends and family. He was late arriving and I was certain he’d done a runner. We’d only been going out for nine months. Had he changed his mind. He eventually arrived and blamed traffic. Simple get together at a friends pub and then we went home and that evening we had a Chinese and sat on the seafront to eat it. Best meal ever, I was so happy. At his funeral one of the photo’s was of him doing a charity gig with the band. He had a cowboy hat on, guitar (country and western singer) and as the photographer took the photo Brian did a silly grin, not knowing that it was going into a paper. He hated it. I loved it, he looked so cheeky. Where did those years go. Have I been asleep for thirty years and just woke up. If only I could go back to our wedding again, I don’t think I have ever felt so happy and content.

Yes, I can feel Brian saying exactly the same. He would be so surprised if he saw how I am now and probably want to know what all the fuss is about. I’m not the women he knew. I too take comfort that Brian is with me. Each day we take another step, not quite knowing where it will take us, or if were going to sink or swim that day. We can’t go back, stand still, we can only move forward.

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That’s funny because only yesterday I was thinking this week is the ‘anniversary’ of our first date. I hardly ever remembered that when my husband was here. Why do I remember it this year?! I’d simply go back to that night and I’d give everything I’ve got if that could happen. I wouldn’t change a single thing, the good and not so good. I would though change my appreciation of all that I had. I’d multiply it ten fold…x

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If only I could have that time again to appreciate what we had also. Last night it suddenly hit me that we had so much. Simple things and I remembered Brian sitting with me and putting his arm around me, something so simple. Why had I suddenly thought about that. Just one hour is all I would ask just to tell him how sorry I was. Not sure what for but I’m sure I annoyed him at times and I know I said things that were unkind if we argued (which wasn’t very often). Brian just changed the subject if I went of on one. .Always worked.

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Me too Pat even five more minutes with Edward thanks for your love Pat speak soon take care of yourself Adele x

Love to you Pattidot. I feel your pain x

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Hi, What lovely thread - photos and memories! Immediately, when I noticed this, my favourite photograph came to mind - taken of my lovely fiance, as he was then, walking with me along the promenade at Penzance. He was 6’ 2", tall aged 23, it is in black and white, and as soon as I look at the photo I see the colours of the day. He was wearing a navy blazer and grey trousers, and at 19 years of age, I was wearing a white cotton circular skirt, popular at the time, with a floral blouse and white cardigan. The photo was taken by a photographer as we walked along the prom, the wind blowing in our hair and we both have wide happy smiles on our faces. Some time ago, I put a copy of this picture on my mobile phone, and any time I open the photo section and spot that photoI have the wonderful warm feeling we had that day in Penzance. Time has gone on, I have scores of photographs taken over the years. Writing this I am sitting opposite two more pleasurable photographs - one of us on our Wedding Day in 1959 - in black and white, both still smiling the same way, and the other one of my husband taken only a few years ago, standing on one of our favourite beaches on the Llyn Peninsula, North Wales, his silver hair blowing in the wind, blue sky above, and smiling as I took the photograph. He died in March last year, aged 84. These latter pictures brighten me at any time I glance up at them. On the Service sheet of his funeral, one photo is of him relaxing in our home in an arm Chair, and another of him sitting outside our tent on one of our many camping holidays with our grandchildren. Photographs do indeed bring back a lifetime of happy memories. Though we may have lost our loved one, the wonderful photographs remind us of the happy times and inspire us to go on with joy in our hearts that we have indeed been fortunate. Diedre


My sentiments exactly, Fortunately for me Brian was a keen photographer and when I could get the camera off him I took many a photograph of him and now have them all over the house. I have two in front of where I sit in the living room and another behind me. In all these photograph’s he is fit and well as we was keen walkers (I still am and he carried on until three months before he died) .
I have a picture of him on the front of my bus pass. so he is always with me. His hair remained dark so he looks the same throughout the years and people who hadn’t seem him for years could always recognise him. We took so much for granted didn’t we. Never wanting to think that we would ever be without them.
Love Pat

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Landscape photography and photographing nature were my thing. I’ve thousands of photos of lakes, mountains and so on and a handful of Carolyn. It didn’t seem important at the time and she knew not to walk into a good view.
If only I could have looked into the future.

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Yes, Brian loved taking landscape and nature. Flowers, insects, bee’s, birds. He waited hours for a decent shot. When he died and I went through his things he had what must have been thousands of photo’s. I was advised to get rid as they would be no use to anyone else. I kept all the best and some were amazing. Especially of yachts in action on the Solent. Most of these went to the local Heritage Centres. I had to burn so many. I cried buckets. He had taken so many of me, it was embarrassing.

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