Tips on handling long term grief

I lost my grandpa with bipolar disease 20 years ago and I am struggling with my grief including the loneliness and dealing with my own mental health. Please help as I still have only just accepted my grandpas death and not sure how to get through the next stages of grief

Hi Alice, welcome to the site, everybody grieves differently, there is no time scale, have you seen a counsellor? I think it may help you, Sue Ryder provide a counselling service, although not in person at the moment, it might be worth you looking into it, or go and see your GP who could also refer you for help, take care Jude x

How would I be registered for the counselling service?

Hi @Alice01

You can find out more about our online bereavement counselling service on our website. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. If you feel some one-to-one support may be useful, you can find more information about the service here:

I hope you are finding this community helpful and a good source of support when you are finding things difficult. Please do keep talking and know that you’re not alone - there is lots of help out there.

Take care,


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