
I lost my beautiful partner Graham on sat19th August. I don’t know how to cope. I want to be with him. I can’t function. What about our holiday,I can’t go alone. I’m angry if I go outside,I want to scream at everyone for carrying on as normal. He was the best man ever,and I don’t understand why he’s been took from me and my children.


Bad day today. Got my bereavement pack from the hospital. I’ve been proactive and been out and about with support. Back in bed now though crying. Got the funeral directors tomorrow. I hope I do Graham proud. Love of my life I’m waiting for a sign your happy . Love always from my whole heart Amanda xx


Hi Amanda - I am so so sorry you have had to find yourself here on this site after losing your partner. Life is so shit, sorry to swear. You have come to the right place here, lots of people who understand how you feel. You will do him proud. Keep reaching out. I have been where you were 2 years ago & I am still going, sad but going on. Cry as much as you need, go to bed when you need to - nobody will judge you. You will neve stop the love, it keeps living - my love still lives with & through me. Take care, Alison xxx :broken_heart: :broken_heart:


I hope your funeral director is as good as mine was. They made everything so easy and to his requests.


So sorry , I can only say as my sister told me when I lost my son. Slow down and do things when you are ready . When you register the death the registrar , will give details of a service by the government which you can contact I think it is called Just the once .
When you contact them by phone or web site give them details of Benefits, passport,driving license, etc and they will cancel them all in one go. But as I say take your time.


Sorry it is called TELL US ONCE ,it saves using a lot of death certificates as.Remember to look after yourself drink plenty of fluids and eat well. God Bless you all


It’s a great service. Used it myself and like it says ‘tell them once’’ and it’s all done. Saves you going through even more stress than you’re under.


Also if you get the registrar to notify them first ,they give you a reference number and when you Quote that you don’t need to send a death certificate.


My funeral director took me up to register the death. They loaded me and my mobility scooter into the car and stayed with me the other end to make sure I was safe. Although with my driving it could have been to make sure the public was safe. Both they and the registrar explained the tell me once service. It did make some things easier.


Amanda I hope things went ok for you today was thinking about you


It was hard but enjoyable if that makes sense. Talking about Graham and his life and making plans for the funeral. I’m sure I’ll have a cry later. I don’t won’t to say it’s getting easier,cos it won’t. I’ll love him forever. Im back at work tomorrow.see how I go. Xx

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That’s my girl,your doing well

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@Manda23 I am so sorry that you have lost your Graham. It is still very early days for you. I’m 8 months down the road and I remember those early days. So much shock and numbness. I couldn’t function at all. You are very brave to be going back to work so early. I only went back a couple of months ago on reduced hours as really struggled. Take it easy and one step at a time hour by hour. I hope that you have got support from family and friends. Take care and big hugs xx


Thankyou,I have my grown up children here but they’ll be going home eventually. That’s the bit I can’t face,being on my own.i need to work to pay bills. I only w Graham would want me to get on with life. I just can’t stop crying which makes driving difficult.Thankyou for all hugs and support on here xx


I cry most days and when I am driving home knowing it’s empty x


So sorry for yr loss You will survive alone Although you will probably get brain fog and don’t know what you are doing half the time Try to take care of yourself and accept the situation U can’t change things

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