
How is everyone today ,here in Scotland its extremely windy and of course raining. I was just wondering if anyone just constantly feels extreme fatigue even after sleeping i just cant keep my eyes open and coukd sleep the day away. I do sleep at night at i take amitriptyline which iv been on for years for pain but this tiredness im feeling during the day is ridiculous xx

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Yes, this was very common for me. It is much better now, 19 months on but still have days of exhaustion. Apparently it’s quite common.


Im having an extremly hard weekend :sleepy: :tired_face: second by second eveything seems utterly pointless and i think whats the point


Thats a horrible feeling ,weekends are the worst .
Tomorrow may be abit better ,just hang on in there .
You are definitely not alone .
Its a very hard road to walk down but we can do it ,step by step .
Sending love and hugs


Hi @Miamoo2017

Yes I feel constantly tired. I do sleep in hour or sometimes 2 hour bursts.
Consequently I feel tired all the time.
I think that it’s probably all part of grieving.
But it would be nice to wake up feeling rested and not tired.

If I go to bed early, I wake early.
If I go to sleep late I wake early :unamused:

I’m hoping eventually as I learn to cope better with my grief that sleep will come.

Take care x x


Thanks everyone xx

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Hi there,
Weekends can be a hard time, I am ok if I am going out but rubbish if I stay home, trying to make a new life is so difficult but there are good days and bad, knowing people feel the same on here certainly helps, I hope you have a good day soon, please look after yourself. We are all here for everyone xx

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Thank you so much x

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Tiredness is definitely normal, what we are going through is using huge amounts of energy and sleep is not peaceful and relaxing like it used to be. Plus we have to do everything on our own now too :frowning:
I am 15 weeks in and have not slept a full night yet, usually wake up at 5.15am then lay there trying to get back to sleep, occasionally I do but mostly it is futile even trying. I am hoping that I will sleep better in winter as I won’t want to get up early and I won’t be able to afford the heating if i do get up !. Just a thought…if you changed the time for taking amitriptyline could that help ? maybe ask your GP or pharmacist as they know a lot about the effects of medications and can be very helpful. X


Im allowed 3 but just been taking 2 so think il have to try cut to 1 as planning to return to work 2nd sept as need to be earning some money for bills , i appreciate your message thank you x

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