To all the members here...

To everyone who posts on this site and comments on the posts, thank you!!
I’ve been on this site for 2 weeks now and this is the only thing which keeps me going and gives me hope.
I’m devastated by my mom’s sudden passing by. I am broken. I’m at my lowest. But everyone here is going through similar losses but helping each other. So thank you to each one of you.


Ah, mummasDaughter. I’m sorry for your loss. I have found this site comforting following the death of my mum in March last year, and my husband 5 months later. The pain and devestation of your very recent loss is overwhelming. You are probably still quite numb to what is going on around you at the moment and that is ok. Trying to deal with your emotions will take time and self care.
I read an interesting article just last week by a nueroscientist about the effects of grief on the brain. She explained that grief and grieving, although related, is not the same thing. Grieving is the active process we go through to come to terms with everything surrounding the death of a loved one. It is only once we can accept that our loved one is truly gone and is not coming back that we can start to heal around the hole that’s left behind. We grow, and our experience changes us. Each of us grieves in our own way and to our own timescale but the hole left behind is our grief, and it never goes away. Take care of yourself and be gentle with your emotions. Wishing you all the love, strength and courage you need to see you through your journey.

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@MummasDaughter I lost my mum suddenly nearly 4 weeks ago. Her funeral is on Wednesday. I’m so lost. But if you need to talk maybe we can somehow help each other through some of this.

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Hi Nic,

Sorry for the loss of most important person of your life.
I am broken. I am never going to be happy again. I don’t want to live in a world without her. How are you coping? I have resumed work but I have no interest in anything. I don’t talk to my coworkers about anything other than work and I limit those discussions too. I don’t talk toy friends either. I know that’s a bad thing but I always isolate myself when anything bad happens and this is the worst for me.

Yes, I think talking to someone who has gone through the same pain. Please keep in touch.


I’m not coping too well at the moment. Suppose knowing the funeral is tomorrow isn’t helping. I just can’t do stuff I used to do. I’m not back in work yet but will have to go next week as they are not paying me and I can’t afford to not get paid. They give you 2 weeks and that’s it. Struggling alot really and honestly don’t see any hope for the future anymore.

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Hi @nicnic, I just wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you tomorrow :heart: xxxx

Thank you xxx

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