To Rest In Peace..

I am holding Richard back In being at peace…and i dont want to be doing this

Every day i cry, breakdown, talk to my Richard…i so want to be in peace so my Richard too can be be in peace…I know if he is hearing me he will not be in peace while i am still struggling in coming to to terms with his sudden and unexpected loss, he ia also aware now of my situation,coping without him re, my MS disease, he would have never left me but sadly this was not his choice…someone up above him had a different plan for Richard, a plan neither of us saw coming on that fateful morning that started as a usual morning, or so we both expected it to have been…
My Richard always put me first, and hand on heart he will still be putting me first so I know my mental state is holding him back from the peace he so deserves…


Hello Jackie Richard. I’m so sorry about how you are feeling. I have exactly the same thoughts and wanted to let you know your words are understood. I hope that since you posted this you have felt less distressed about things. I hope Tuesday is a little kinder to you Jackie. Take care Tina x

…i keep asking, no begging for that one off sign letting me know my Richard is hearing me, this is causing me such torment as so far nothing is telling me that he is, i just want that one off sign so i can be at some form of peace like the signs i had from two of my three fur babies, now they were special, a one off sign never to be repeated again, and i am a believer in what i saw, what i witnessed, what i experienced was very real…i shan’t post what i experienced as they were very personal to me and remain between me and my two dogs, the loves of my life…apart from Richard of course although he was always made aware by me that our three dogs always came before him…
yes he knew this and always caused some humour between us, but it was-is true…he knew his place in the pecking order…
