Today the last time I went shopping with my husband

My husband had an allotment and im finding it really hard to keep up with it ! I really have lost all enthusiasm for everything ! I just feel like jacking it all in !!! Everything !


I know the feeling, Deb, it all gets too much. Itā€™s dark here and only 8pm, so we have dark and lonely nights to come which will make us feel even worse. We just have to support each other. Sending hugs xx


Yes we do and I read my previous post and it went off before I corrected typos. Sorry. I canā€™t seem to get on top of everything. Why do I still get upset that animals seem to get better treatment than people?
Surely not ok.
People expected to put up with how long it takes to get help and ignored and yet more concerned
about making sure animals do not suffer.
Not that want any suffering but seems topsy turvy and always has to me.
My husband fell out of bed in night in hospital day becore he died. He had his lower leg amputated week before.
He didnā€™t want it. Who would? Then two days before that they took off his temporary pacemaker when I tel hospital and I was beside myself with trauma saying he will die then. And then that occurred and he did. Felt like it was a repeat of my father who died in same hospital 29 years ago. I stayed there then as we were allowed to stay in a chair bed nearby but I wasnt with my husband. I did stay in a nearby hotel for a few days but that wasnā€™t easy. Now thinking of him how it was this time last year him struggling and so was I. Still feels like it. I am 79 at Xmas. He was a year younger.


Aw ā€¦ you poor thing :frowning: why did they take his pacemaker out , dud thry explaub it to you ? Have yoy made a complaint? So soert for you ! U dint like the way they treat people in this country either ! Its bloody awful ! And disgusting tbh !! X

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It does ā€¦ and nobody helps do they ! Theyre all too selfish in their own little world !!! I think maybe i was in my own little world with my husband but i did help people who needed me ! I dunno whats happened to this world anymore ! It just feels like its dog eat dog !! :frowning:

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Yes I did complain but was fobbed off. Explanation didnā€™t make sense to me.
I got worn out with it.
I didnā€™t have stamina.
Had to get on caring for my autistic son alone who no be seems to bother about. It is so hard all the hoops you have to jump through.
Yes we do our best donā€™t we? Today alone but my son has been on telephone and texts. Cat is here.
Very quiet for a change. I just been pottering. Glad I made some ready meals so just put in microwave. It is 87f so too hot outside for long. Too hot to think about much.


I agree that about hosputals. My husband sent messages to me saying he didnā€™t think he would get out of there. He was right. Went in with pneumonia. Ended up catching covid and sepsis. From what i saw was just watching him detereorate. I will never forget .


My husband said ā€¦ im getting out of here !!! Im not dying in here !!! So he came home but only lasted a week cos he stopped eating and drinking ! The bloody cancer got him i suppose ! At least he had his last wish ! To be at home with me :slight_smile: bless him ā€¦ awful times ā€¦


Thatā€™s one thing i regret not getting him out of there. I really believe they didnā€™t care. I would have to be desperate to go into a hospital now. Had a phone call this week to say my son was in A&,E. My heart started pounding. He was bitten on his hand by a dog and had to have operation the next day. Thankfully heā€™s out of but i just think what next.


Yes its quite scary to have anything to do with bloody hospitals isnt it ? Theyre bloody useless ! If i had known my husband was so poorly i wouldve gone private tbh ! Who cares about money when its love of your life !!! But right until november they were gonna save him !


Youre just a number to them arent you ? Another statistic and no i donā€™t think they do care ? These men mean the absolute world to us ! They are our world ! They have children and grandchildren who love them ! So they are not a bloody statistic !!! X

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I think they wanted the bed. Heā€™d been in a solitary room for 4 weeks. Had s transplant 21 yrs ago and dont thi k they gave him immunosupresent medication not sure. They hasnā€™t got a clue how to trreat transplant patients.


They havent got a clue about anything !!! Our lives in their hands ! God help us all ! All we can try to do at moment is stay well if we can ! My mum doesnt trust drs ā€¦ cant imagine why ??? X

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Reading all these desperate stories is heart breaking but not sure it is all not care i think some do but
overwhelmed with just too much to cope with if I am really honest. System is I think not geared. Think we need to share with each other how we feel.

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I agree if my husband was watching over me and saw my suffering he would be in so much pain he woul be in hell. Heaven was being with him on earth and now Iā€™m suffering snd paying the price for living him so much.


Yep we were same had to fight them all the time to get answers ! Had to complain twice to PALS ā€¦ they are so slow at doing everything ! They had an investigation after my husband passed - they missed his cancer for 2 months ! Giving it 2 months to spread !! :frowning: and so we lost him in december !! Our beautiful man ā€¦ xx


Hello @Nicenursenic.
May I message you please.

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Not your fault personally @Nicenursenic. I used to work in NHS and its just gone downhill with the standard of care ā€¦ they need to get rid of all the red tape and top heavy management tbh and concentrate on care more than all these managers ā€¦ case of too many chiefs and not enough indians xx


You are right, Deb, the times I saw grey suited managers, always two together, walking around with their clipboards trying to look important.


Yeh ā€¦ i was watching GB news other day and they said management in NHS has increased !!! Not decreased !!! It used to about caring did nursing ā€¦ not about pen pushing ā€¦ :frowning:
On a lighter note has anybody been watching your mum, my dad on itv ā€¦ its really good ! Theres a guy on there who lost his wife a year ago ā€¦ i found it really interesting ā€¦ xx

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