
So today I was at work and all of a sudden the floodgates opened. We used to work together and at this time of year we would work late into the evenings and sit in the back shop eating junk food ( no time for home cooking!)
Where did it come from? I know this is a normal part of grieving but I thought I had it under control.
I hate this time of year as it just highlights everything that’s missing from my life. YOU my darling son!
I’m heartbroken and still can’t believe you are not here and that you felt the only way was to take your life. I miss you so much.


Hi @Norma904 ,

No matter how long it’s been, holidays and special occasions can be an especially painful time for those who are grieving.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to say thank you for so bravely sharing this with us. Keep reaching out,


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Norma, I am so sorry that your precious son died. I am sure it is unimaginable pain, I have no children, but I can sympathize. It is such a horrible, Earth shattering loss and was so unnecessary. I am so very sorry.

Cry your eyes out. It is okay to miss your child and cry for him. You will mourn him for the rest of your life. Be gentle with yourself.

Much love.


Sometimes grief takes you by surprise. We try and protect ourselves almost and it can be the silliest things that have us sobbing.
I to lost a son, he fought illness for a long time. Even after five years i still find myself crying unexpectedly xx