Todays date.

At 5.55 pm today my partner will have been gone two years. .lt was a Monday .


@peterj , I know how hard it is , two years is such a long time without our loved one . How have we even managed to survive this long , the wanting our old ,happy life back ,never stops , because of course we never stop loving ,wanting, and needing our partners. Thinking of you today and sending a hug ,xtake carex


Totally out of character I left my unhappy twenty year marriage and spent the next twenty eight years with Jo. We had a few rows over the years like all couples and sometimes she could be a right pain, as I’m sure I was, but in all that time I never regretted my decision. I loved her to the end and miss her so much.


@peterj , that’s why all this ,sadness ,devastation and just pure hell, is so wrong , trying to live a life without that one person that we truly loved with all our heart ,that made our life worthwhile, and made us whole. And yes a good happy marriage does have some rows. I really don’t know how my husband put up with me sometimes, I even annoy myself now . But the love we had shone through and it still does ,for our partners. All we can really do is plod on each day ,and be thankful that we did have that special love, just so sad they aren’t still here with us .Hope you have got through today the best you can xtake carex


Than you for your replies Broken. I know we’re all in this together.

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