Tom jones D day song

I cried when I heard Tom Jones singing I won’t crumble with you if you fall. It reminded me of trying to get my son down the stairs and into a mini cab,because I could not get an ambulance.He died in July 2023 ,within 3 months of that terrible day.He had secondary bone cancer. I cried because I remembered how brave he was ,he had special needs and was in a lot of pain. His hip was near to fracture they said at the hospital and also his spine. If anybody wants a way to let their tears run free listen to it on internet. Love to you all​:sneezing_face::heart::heart::heart:


Hi @Pest ,

I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts, but I just wanted to say thank you for so bravely sharing this with us. Keep reaching out.


I have just looked it up , and Tom first sang this song for his wife Linda who died of lung cancer. I did not know that at the time.