Totally lost

After 43 years of marriage lost my life’s partner suddenly after a short illness just 5 weeks ago, never realised life could be so lonely. Have great family who are very caring but just not the same, closing door in the evening and being on my own is horrible. Have just gone back to work, people very kind but no one seems to really understand, hate going home to empty house. Hate also seeming like always moaning so trying hard to suffer it on my own and put brave face on. NOT EASY.

Dear Frankie7

I am sorry at your loss. I was with my husband 42 years and married for 38 years before he died suddenly in September. You do not have to put a brave face here on this site. Just tell it as it is - others will listen and not judge, we all know the enormous pain that you will be feeling. I have very good support from a few friends but they still have their husband’s so really cannot fully understand.

Take care and keep posting.

Thanks Sheila just hard putting into words what I truly feeling, guess it will come, just miss him so much feel like my heart has been ripped in two.

Dear Frankie7

As you will read from others on this forum there is no instruction manual for grief but for sure we all know that feeling of having our hearts broken, ripped in two or torn our of our body. I too miss my husband so much and will never get over his loss.

Take care of yourself.


Thank you here for you if you need a chat x

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Dear Frankie7
I know exactly how you feel.
An empty house and trying to keep it together
Being alone is awful.
Memories and objects, things Gary repaired or bought get me going and upset.
It’s a living nightmare
Although I know he isn’t coming back it’s a very bad thought. I am just glad he is out of pain.
I hope to meet again. Things are so different. I am trying so hard to let everything fall into place.
Just not easy.
Slowly does it.
Take care

Hi Gary 54
All I can say is snap.
Hopefully in time we can learn to live with this but do not think will ever feel the same again, miss my husband so much it hurts, used to think I was the strong one but now know he was my strength and allowed me to seem strong.
Not easy but as you say slowly does it.
Take care

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Hi, I hope your day is going better.
Thank you for your timely reply.
My day has already started and it is. 5.15am.
I am in the USA. Your day is about 11am now right? If I have it right.
Take care
This came to me. We have to be all that we can be.
We can heal