Totally Lost

I lost my wife (Lynne) last April and over a year later on I am still devastated. The day I lost her my world ended and as a double blow I was told I had cancer on the morning of the day we said goodbye. After surgery and chemo I’m still here but have no life. If it takes me at least I can be with her. I gave up work to care for my wife and have never returned. I cry every day when I send her my daily text knowing I won’t get a reply. I have cut myself off from what few friends I had and cannot face the world.


Hi , so sorry for your loss , and hope your health has improved . It’s really hard trying to live / exsist without the one person we need. Long for . And miss so much . It’s almost a year since my husband died . I can’t find anything positive now . I still go to work . Only because I have to . Bills still have to be paid .,I not only lost my husband I also lost me as well . I love and miss my husband more and more each day . I do find posting on here helps . People do understand . And are always here to give kind words . And to know I am not the only one who feels like this . Xtake carex


Thank You, have only just found this site and I’m hoping it can help. I have my next round of tests next week so what will be will be. I can’t recall the last time I smiled and like yourself there is no positivity in my life. I really need to get back to work but just can’t face people. Take care and once again thank you for taking time to respond xx


Hope everything goes well with tests . How hard it must be for you . Doing this alone without your wife . Thinking of you xtake carex


@Allenmob, deeply sorry for the loss of your darling wife, and I do wish you all the very best for your health. My husband was only 57 when he was torn away from us suddenly and unexpectedly 22 months ago. I still don’t believe he will not be coming back to me, feels like yesterday, he is fixed in my mind twenty four hours a day, absolutely heartbroken. It’s a relief being able to communicate with others here who understand and relate.
Take care of yourself.


Thank you for taking the time to reply, Lynne was 58 and we had so much planned. COVID made things so much worse as she battled through most of it alone as hospitals would not let me visit. I packed up my job just so I could have her home. Cared for her until she had to move to a hospice as she needed better control of her drugs. I know what you mean about being fixed in your mind, I’m the same. I text her each day but it’s awful when my phone doesn’t receive a response. You also take care your response has been really well received by myself x


I also feel the same. I am lost. I wake up each day with anxiety. I don’t know how to make it go away and I’m afraid all the time x