trapped in the past

Even before I lost my mum I been trapped in the 80s. I listen to non stop 80s most days. Got a retro console, cry if I see nostalgia videos on Tik Tok, belong to a 70s, 80s group on FB. If I could go back I would, hate today’s world and what it stands for. It’s not my time period no more and struggle to relate to it. Then I lost my mum August last year.


Hi, I’m 24 and also HATE how the world is. Can not stand it, really!! It’s okay to think about the past but you literally can not to anything nor to change the future, we have no control. My advice is just do what ever and I mean DO WHAT EVER you want to make you feel any bit of a happier emotion. Nobody is thinking about you apart from yourself. Maybe look into groups that are around the happier times like the 80’s? I’m sure there are a lot of people who hate how the world has changed. Here if you want a chat :slight_smile:


Thank You, yeah it’s very tough now. The lack of compassion does me and isolated today’s world has made people feel.

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lack of everything from people is just soul destroying, it is horrible but you are not alone

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i feel the way, I was born in the 90s i feel things back then was so simple including people. like people back the were alot friendlier and now i feel simce losing mum back im december like there was lack of support and compassion and i felt it got even worse after post covid like everything seems like business transaction just alot of give and take. no one doing things out of the goodness of their heart. i feel like every thing has a price. i just miss how things use to be, when thinking how my mum and dad how as family how we use to be happy even when we had nothing. now looking at the world i dont relate to it at all like i dont where my place is in the world, when mum was here it made alot of sense she was my strength to take on anything and now that she is gone it’s like well whats the point sometimes.
after her death all of the old movies on tv that we watched came on the things we watched and then all the 90s things that would crop up in my social media like fb and I start getting tearful as it would relate to memory of my mum. i wish i could go back in time just hug my mum and tell her how much i love her would mean the world to me but i hate having to wake up to reality. it just sucks, the world now seems to a very cold and cruel place to live now. i rather go back to the time period where it was just simple with me and mum not this.


Me too. Thank you for writing this.

I couldn’t agree more with you, I carry on from day to day. My time was the late 70s and 80s. I can’t relate to this world either. So heartless and cruel! My worst fear I be on my own forever till I die a invisible alien in a alien world.

So what’s the answer ? to our predicament ?

Same here, I mean it’s been over 6months over me and they say time’s healer etc. however, i just feel vulnerable and or exposed to the world’s criticism like it’s impacted my physical health as well MH and I have experienced grief before countless times especially losing my dad quite young and going through this with mum. It’s just too much to cope at times. Sometimes I wish I was just with her because the world I live I just don’t recognise it anymore.

I been feeling invisible my whole life and now that feeling has been amplified since mum past, I just feel I would die invisible and no one would care that I have if anything I think work would be probably annoyed oh great who’s going cover her shift :expressionless:. When you even look at the younger generation and everything even Christmas is has lost it magic for me, all I can see is greed and that’s scary for me to live in a world like that

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I don’t know if its greed, I think people really are struggling to survive today. what with low wages and high cost

i dont just greed, i agree there is the cost of living thats affected many people, but i also people’s attitudes changed, like theyre priorities changed sort of thing. for me people are not kind like they used to be. There is definitely alot more homelessness that is visible.

goverment, healthcare the job market theyre all affecting us in bad way, i feel its gonna get alot worse than better. i am kind of fearful of the future, like i hate not knowing. i guess part of me wishes had i knew mum would pass away i would been with her till the very end, knowing she didnt die alone not in a cold hospital where she sadly didnt receive the proper care from medical staff

yes theres resentment from but i do feel let down, i know need to get through tjis but i just feel like a time is like a daily reminder of what i lost and i feel i couldnt stop prevent it

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I think we all felt like that at some time, a very big loss. I tried to keep busy, work took over my life not for greed but in order to survive with debts and bills etc. We all trapped in some sort of way, the government has made our life a misery. I didn’t get to say goodbye as hospital kept ringing my other phone which was switched off. I found out via the police, not the best way. Like you I do miss my mum and wish things were different, but they not. I also have problems with my lower back, but am still working.