Traumatic Grief- any meet up groups for losing a mother

Hello, i am 24 and lost my mum earlier this year in a hit and run on the last day of her holiday in Tenerife. The person responsible has never been found and we have been left in a world of sorrow. My mum was 50 years old and has me and my little sister. I wanted to know if there is anyone with similar experience of this kind of traumatic grief- we never got to say goodbye to her we just got a call about the accident and had to fly to another country where none of the doctors spoke English and tried to explain to us what had happened.

I have been left to sort everything out- the house, a little sister part time, pets, a criminal investigation all whilst having no support from my dad as he lives in a different country.

Is there any meet up groups for people that have had anything like this happen to them. I am trying to seek out people who understand what this kind of pain feels like because its so lonely all the time. Please let me know of any coping mechanisms you have and any way of being able to sleep again.

Thank you.

I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum, @Snicole - that is devastating. It sounds like you are coping with so much on top of grieving your mum. You may want to connect with @Michael73, who sadly lost his mum in a hit and run in August.

You’ve asked if there are any support groups for people in your situation, so I wanted to share a few links with you:

  • Brake have a free support service if you are bereaved by a road accident. Call 0808 8000 401 or email

  • Scard also have a helpline on 0345 123 5542. It is open 365 days a year from 9am to 9pm.

  • Support after Murder or Manslaughter (SAMM) have lots of different support options, including peer support.

  • AtALoss can help you find bereavement services and counselling in your area.

You might also want to take a look at our Online Bereavement Support, which includes Online Bereavement Counselling, our Grief Coach text service and our Grief Guide self-help platform. We have an article on sleep which you may find helpful.

There are certainly other members of our community who have lost loved ones in sudden and traumatic circumstances - hopefully someone will be along to share their thoughts.

Take good care - you are not alone.

Thank you for your message- if anyone else can relate to this or loss at a young age i would really appreciate you reaching out so we can talk about things. Even when you have friends or family it still feels lonely when people don’t understand how grief can affect you. I find myself being forced to put on a happy face for other people as generally people don’t know what to say or do in these circumstances.

@Snicole Hi Nicole. I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I am just messaging you as I am too 24 and just recently lost my mum to cancer in August. With us being the same age, it might be helpful to talk to each other and see how each other are coping. I know they are different circumstances but it could be helpful x


Thank you for reaching out- i’m so sorry to hear about your mum too. Do you mind me asking your name? seems strange to talk about such personal things and not know who to address. How are are you coping? is it just you or do you have sibling or a family around you too?