Treating depression

I saw a video from a man in Denmark and he pointed out you literally cannot be depressed when engaging in a social group, working on a project, playing tennis. you can be, but he pointed out the mind cannot focus on two things at once that depression wants you alone in a room. so when out and talking with others, playing golf, whatever, you are engaged and the depression has less chance to do its dirty work. thought this was interesting.


Lost my wife last month watching or playing sport the hurt is allways there


Hi @berit,
I will admit I have heard this before on an episode of TV show “the mentalist”, but yes, it is very interesting, this is also actually how some mindfulness techniques, & some avoidance techniques work, I had a lot of trauma from way too young an age, as a result I have been through an entire decade of every therapy going. My favourite mindfulness meditation is a thing called, “Floating leaves on a moving stream”, basically you sit comfortably, & imagine you are sat under a big old tree, next to a stream, as thoughts or worries come into your mind, put them on a leaf, & imagine them floating down, the leaf with the worry on it, lands on the stream, & gently floats away.
My Boyfriend & I have our own special imaginary island :desert_island:, if we are having bad, or unhelpful thoughts, we say go to our own special island, we used this as a distraction technique to stop the mind going somewhere we don’t want it to go.
If you think about it, this is also how magic tricks work, in the sense of misdirection, they encourage you to focus on the wrong thing, so you don’t look where you should be looking if you want to see how the trick is done.
I have a lot of love for anything to do with psychology, partly because psychology is in everything, in sports when opponents psych each other out, in shops, they say “the eyeline is the buy line” because people usually pay more attention to what is right in their eye-line, & less likely to notice things on bottom shelves, & events that happen in our lives, at any age can dictate the way we think or feel in future situations, or about certain subjects, for example, there was an incident when I was in primary school, I had done some work in my math book, written in pencil, I had actually got the answers right, but the special needs support person said I had got them all wrong, & rubbed my answers out, then used a system which to me didn’t make sense, & made me put in answers I knew were wrong, when the teacher saw my work, he of course told me they were incorrect, & to redo them, so I did, when the support person saw me erasing the answers SHE had decided were right, (they weren’t!) She shouted at me, & made me put the incorrect answers back, again when the teacher saw it, rubbed out the answers, & this time went through it with me, writing the answers in as I worked them out, they were all correct, & the teacher had even put a check :heavy_check_mark: at the bottom of my work & written “well done”, but again when the support person saw the answers had been changed, made me erase it again & put back the answers I knew were wrong, this time when the teacher saw the answers had been changed again, he patiently went through it with me again, & this time wrote them in in pen, :pen: the effect this had on me ever since, I will ONLY write things down in pen, never pencil unless it’s something I intend to rub out later.
Sorry for the length of this message, but you found my favourite topic, psychology.

last month is very fresh. my post would most likely help others further along. I am very sorry for your loss. it is so hard.

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dreadful. so sorry. yes, psychology is half the battle in life. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @Pandaprincess
I was really interested in your post and since my mam passed I’ve been searching endlessly without success for a “cure” for my grief. My point is it’s made me think a lot about psychology as it’s come up a lot in my research. I’m thinking about actually reading up on it and taking it as a small step on my way to recovery
Take care and thanks for posting :heart: