
Hi everyone, my name is Sharon and just over 7 months ago I lost my husband to a sudden illness (brain haemorrhage- operated and survived, second haemorrhage during recovery that took him in his sleep).
Anyway, since he passed and I’m guessing since the numbness has started to fade I’ve found myself getting triggered by certain sounds and just thought I’m sure some of you also have this and maybe felt like sharing?
I’ll go first- ambulance sirens, really laboured breathing and medical dramas (ICU scenes and their machines).

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Police cars and ambulances. But it’s also the small, normal stuff; hearing a car in the lane, the sound of a strimmer, any noise that I associate with him and the things he used to do.

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Oh God yes. I think I was in a sandwich shop and I heard a noise like one of the ICU machines. One of the ones that alerts the nurses that the meds are running low.

@Shazzy23 I’m so sorry that you have lost your husband…my husband suddenly and unexpectedly collapsed and died. I missed him by a few minutes, started CPR as still no ambulance. I find it hard when I see ambulances as feel that they let us down especially the caller who didn’t stay with my son on the phone and instructed CPR. I find certain music a trigger but most of all these bank holidays are hard. Have you looked into joining WAY. I am just over 50 so can’t join it but know others who have. Big hugs xx

@Hazel.1966 ive looked into WAY but think it’s not for me, at least not yet. I’m so sorry the ambulance let you down and added trauma to an already traumatic situation. If Lee had collapsed in the week I would’ve never found him, it’s pure luck it happened on a Saturday morning and I was upstairs.

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