Trouble in the world

What is happening to the world, just seen on the tv about Kenya 22 people were killed.In Gaza people being killed mostly Children, life is so precious. The junior doctors going on strike, makes me remember last year on the 17th July 2023. That when my son died,he was in hospital ,and would phone in the morning.That morning he did not phone,so I phoned him. He said his arm had been hurting all night, I said have the doctors seen you he said they are on strike have not been round. We rushed down to the hospital as I sort of knew. Got there got the nurse to give him some morphine as he was dying of secondary bone cancer,he died at 1.50 pm, 10 minutes before visiting time.Please god that does not happen to someone today.please everyone pray for them​:pray::pray::pray:


Yes the world and the UK are in a mess, all because of money…the want of more money by some, the lack and desperate need for more money by others.