Trying deal quth my grief

Last year i lost :broken_heart: my fiancee 4 monrh. 4 we due to get married he spent hear b4 in hospital was really unwell then on day we buried hin my eat friend dad passed away 3 week later my best friend thar was like a brother to me suddenly :broken_heart: passed away and then :broken_heart: day after Darren my fiancee birthday hia brother was found dead :broken_heart: i dont lnow how deal with all this i though iwas doing ok but maybe we need extra support :broken_heart: an help gude me through as i nesvr be ok as he still gone each morning i wake up and each night wen i go to bed xx miss them all especially Darren as we done everything together

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Hello @Rachie1,

I’m so sorry for the losses that you have endured - that is so much to cope with. Thank you for reaching out, I hope you find the community to be a support to you.

If you need any extra support yourself, we’re here to help. As well as the community, we also have a text support service, online bereavement counselling and our Grief Kind spaces. Please visit our bereavement services at Sue Ryder’s Online Bereavement Support | Sue Ryder :blue_heart:

Take care and keep reaching out,

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Rachie1 so sorry for all the trauma you have been through in such a short time, please do reach out to the other services Sue Ryder have offered, I’m sure they will guide you through it all, and this forum is amazing too and you will gain advice & comfort from them all.
I am so sorry for all the losses you have suffered, sending you a virtual hug cause you sure need that right now xxx

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