Trying to be positive ( and failing).

I woke up early this morning so I thought I’d push myself to do something new. So, I booked up an early bird session at my local swimming pool and was round there for 8 am.
The staff weren’t at all friendly or welcoming in any way. No one spoke to me. I spent 45 mins swimming up and down trying to avoid this woman who clearly hadn’t understood the sign that told you to swim in a clockwise direction and was doing her own thing in the middle lane and kept stopping in front of everyone ( really annoying). I managed 30 lengths which I suppose is a positive despite being totally monotonous.
Couldn’t dry my hair as the hair dryers were totally useless and blowing out cold air !
Thought I’d visit the cafe and have some breakfast but there wasn’t much choice and by the time they got to serve me I’d nearly lost the will to live so I had a quick cappuccino (not nice…….clearly one of those packet ones).
If my hubby was listening to this he’d probably laugh and so would I normally, but at the moment I just can’t see the funny side.
It’s such hard work trying to be positive!


Glad your day got better. Fingers crossed mine will then. I made my mind up last night to do at least ten positive things every day.
I’m about to make a list to draw ideas from.
Hope you’re having a good day today :slightly_smiling_face:


I think it was a very positive step to do this!


Thank you. Well I’m trying to make the effort at any rate :slightly_smiling_face:



10 positive things a day, wow good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Let us know how you get on.


10 positive things, where to even start? Well I’m having my grandaughters dog for a week, so taking him for a walk will be one.
I’m picking up my husbands ashes tomorrow, but I dont know if that counts as a positive.
I’m going to my daughters for dinner today so there’s another.
I sorted new photos for my locket this morning, I’d been wearing it in the shower, big mistake, but I’ve learnt now.
So yes I can see some positives emerging.
Thankyou for suggesting this.
I’m still not sure about 10 though :thinking:


Being fairly recently widowed myself your posts made me laugh and helped me accept this is all part of the grieving and recovery process. Life is very frustrating sometimes I like yourselves have tried my best to get out the house and not spend the whole day inactive and grieving Some things work better than others.Thanks for posting


Wow, lots of positive things you have planned!

I think collecting your husbands ashes is very positive. You get to bring him home and have a cup of tea and tell him what a plonker he is for leaving you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m quite looking forward to bringing my Andrew home for a little chat before I scatter his ashes.

I’m going to my mum’s for dinner today which will be nice but it always feels sad comming home alone.


You’ve just made me laugh, so another positive ticked off
Big hugs


Lito, if take the dog out for a walk each day for a week, count that as 7 positives! x


Yes will do :slightly_smiling_face:


So glad it made you laugh. We all need more to smile about. Take care.


There you go…… the positives can soon mount up if you include every tiny thing.
I found a really inspirational site online called 100 simple ways to immediately improve your life. It lists about 100 things, most of them just small stuff and I’ve realised that I’m already doing a lot of them every day which made me feel I’m doing better than I thought.
I’d post a link but I’m not too good with the technology, but I’m sure you could find it if you look online.


Thats good thinking, and if I take him twice a day thats 14 ! I think were all doing a good job at cheering each other up this morning. I just wish it would last. But just for a while we’ve smiled, so that too is a positve



Is this the one?


Thankyou Hope 2. I shall look for it. I think maybe were all doing better than we realise

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That’s it. Thanks Katyh :+1:


Thanks @Katyh. I will look at that later. Im at my daughters at the moment, but when I’m back home this evening I’ll definitely look at it


Thankyou Hope2 for the idea and KatyH for the link. This was just what I needed to see this morning. Another positive for you to tick off today Hope2. xx


So glad it brought a smile xx