Trying to cope with the grief

So a short bit. My grandma got taken ill after Christmas. She had a burst appendix at 88. She had a major op which she got then despite us thinking she might not.
She had peritonitis in 4 quadrants. I cared for her for 2 weeks at home while the carers came in. It wasn’t enough care and she got re admitted due to urine retention. She was fully bed bound. We lost her Feb 14th at 10.30pm.
I dealt with the hospitals and meds. I was the only grandchild that she trusted to help.
I miss her so much. Its a void that no one can fill. She was my world, she was the mother figure and I thought the world of her. She was my best friend.
I picked a lovely poem for her funeral and cried like a baby as she had gone. I miss her so bad. My heart is broken and I am not doing very well. Some days are easier than others.

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Dear @Dolphin444

Welcome to the Community, I am sorry that you have not had a reply until now. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your grandma.

Grief is a rollercoaster ride of emotions with good days and bad days, it a journey and not a race. You take it at your pace and one day at a time. You must be gentle with yourself.

There is a Grief Guide that contains information to help you understand and cope with your bereavement and discover new ways to cope. Have you thought about chatting to your doctor to let them know how you feel and to see what support they can give you?

There is information on Supporting Yourself Through Grief which will be of support and help to you.

You can connect with members of the community here by typing in the search bar Loss of Grandma, the support here is amazing. Please take care and continue to reach out.

Take care.


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