Trying to cope

I lost my eldest son to suicide two weeks ago, I’m starting to feel more ill each day. My son was 37.

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Ho Mandy, my heart goes out to you, I really don’t know what you will be going through but I could cry for you. We have two sons and to think one would go in such a horrible manner makes me feel sick.
Please there are a number of support/counselling service that you can contact which will help you get through this horrendous time. There are a number of mums on this site that have gone through the same thing and you may find comfort in reading how they have coped.
I know Cruse have special trained counsellors for parents like you, please contact your local branch or the national helpline 08088081677 and these are two sites that will help

Please don’t think you are alone going through what life as thrown at you and please don’t feel any guilt or those feelings that you should have known because it’s not true. You are a very special person and you will be strong and deal with this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and not just for today. S xx