Trying to cope

My wonderful husband passed away nine weeks ago after a very long battle with Alzheimer’s. As this site seems to be more to do with cancer sufferers I’m not sure I’m allowed on here?
I’m really struggling to hold it together even though I knew a long time ago that this time was coming but even so was not as prepared as I thought. With Alzheimer’s you lose your husband bit by bit and grieve as each stage happens. The last years he was in a home because I was unable to give him the physical care he needed but I visited most days and now I am completely lost with out my purpose in life. I can’t stop crying. The slightest thing sets me off and I keep thinking I should be going in to see him.
Please let me know if I’m welcome on here because I feel so alone.


Hello, yes you’re very welcome, this site is for anyone suffering a bereavement however that bereavement occurs.

I think many of us think we’re prepared for the passing but when it happens we still go into Shock & it takes a while for that to pass.

Also it’s very hard when your routine disappears, you don’t do this & that anymore so what now? I think in the early days you just want to be pleased that you’re showering & eating a bit & managing some sleep, as time passes you’ll adapt to a new routine & that will help.

For the moment you just need to get through these days the best you can knowing that in time this awful gut wrenching pain will pass & yes you’ll be left with a sadness but you’ll be able to think of your husband & smile.


Welcome @hippo74. We all have different experiences but the one thing we have in common is that we lost someone we love. Feel free to reach out, rant, share memories etc. We all gain from each other. Take care.


Always welcome here.we,ve all lost someone we loved deeply .this forum has been a huge help to me especially now


My husband whilst diagnosed with cancer died from internal bleeding. There are also people on here whose partner has died from cardiac arrest or accidents. The common factor is we have all lost someone we love and are grieving.


Hi and sadly welcome. As flower garden says you’re probably experiencing some form of shock, I know I was when my wife passed. I too had time to know that it was coming and thought I would be prepared. I was floored, it just rolls across you, the pain was nothing like id experienced before and more importantly since. It’s the very worst of times but you will move forward. You’ve come on here and that is a movement, a choice you’ve made to keep going. When my wife died it took all my effort just to brush my teeth, but it’s where I started, then added changes of underwear, then showers and little by little you build yourself back. This place is full of people that understand, keep coming back even if its just to read.