Trying to hold it together

I’m trying to hold it together today but I’m a whisker away from bursting into tears. So far today I’m cleaned windows (jim would have done that) hoovered (jim would have done that ). Now I’m making a cup of tea (jim would have done that ) while I would be getting dinner. It’s awful that we are on our own and life has changed so much I hate this life. Have to take dogs for walk and go up cemetery to talk to jim. All I wish is I had one more minute with jim to tell him how much I love him thats it now tears are now running down my face and I’m in bits again :cry: :tired_face: oh when will this STOP.


How long ago did Jim pass away. My husband passed away suddenly after cardiac arrest ten months ago. I wonder when the tears will stop rolling. I wonder when the anxiety will stop. The lonliness of not having him hear and the quietness are ever pervading. Most days I feel I can’t cope and wonder how and what I can do for the rest of the day. I cry and then watch some tv. Cry a little more and do general housework. But life feels so empty without him and I feel I have no purpose. People don’t phone and friends have their own lives. It’s horrible. My thoughts are with you x


Jim died in August mate and I just can’t cope without him very well everything seems to be going wrong and I don’t know how to sort it out just muddle along


I find I go down my local asda.just to sit in cafe and be near people it’s so lonely


I am crying with you. Dave did everything for me too because of my disabilities but they do not go away and there are lots of things that I have to look to others to do. I have a carer at lunch time in the week but she does not come at weekends. She i is an absolute gem and I can tell her things as they are. I too think of things I should have said to Dave. He was whisked out of the house so fast by the ambulance Crew and I just thought he would be back in a few days. No hug , no love you nothing. Then I could not visit because of COVID. I had a knee replacement op the first week he was in hospital and then everything went too fast and it was too late. It is too late for regrets. I just hope he knows how much he meant to me and the same with your husband. I am sure he knew your feelings. Perhaps it does not matter if we cannot hold it together all the time. They deserve our tears they were special men. Speak soon and any time. Hope this gets to you after all this as I am not sure how to send on this site. I will just press reply and see