Turn it off, and back on again.

I guess some people may think I am trying to distract myself, and that that is a Bad Thing. Perhaps they are right, but I find that if I keep myself busy I am better. I still fall down rabbit holes frequently, but, for me, that is better than ‘thinking’ too much, because when I do that I start to feel that life isn’t worth living.

At the very least, after a busy day, I get a sense of achievement, that I have done something that needed doing, because if I don’t do it, it ain’t going to get done. When he died everything was in good order, since he died it has all gone downhill. He wouldn’t like that, he would understand what I have been going through, of course. But he would quietly be sad at the state of the garden, and the state of me.

When I opened my emails this morning there was one from Sky TV, my bill was to increase. I phoned them and told them I was leaving because it was becoming too expensive. To cut a long story short, my bill will remain the same and I now have a free upgrade.

I ate a sad and solitary lunch, nearly fell down a rabbit hole there.

Went out into what used to be our garden, and I felt a bit ashamed. So, I set about tidying it up. I mowed the lawn. Well, to be honest, I scalped it because I didn’t know how to set the mower blades. But at least it looks better than it did. (So long as you don’t look too closely). Then I swept up all the moss on the path round the back. It really needs to be jet-washed, maybe I will tackle that tomorrow.

When I came indoors there was a notice on the laptop that said I have to install Windows 11. I have no clue what that means. But I have clicked on the little icon. It is still churning away 6 hours later? He was an IT instructor. Whatever, if it’s still doing it tomorrow I will turn it off and back on again.

And that is what life as a widow is like! Turn it off and back on again.

Anyway, I am not seeking approval, I am just amazed at how much better I felt for a while. It might not be helpful for everyone, but it was for me. Just for a little while, though. I felt stronger, until I came indoors and couldn’t open a sodding bottle. He would have smiled, taken it off me, and opened it. I got a carving knife out and sawed the neck of the plastic bottle. Clumsy, but effective.

It is always the little things that undo us.


Hi Willow112

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care, Rhi


Thank you for sharing , I follow pretty much the same pattern since my husband passed away, three years ago.
Like you I tackle the jobs that need doing and you are right there is a sense of well being afterwards, I still have days that seem endless and wonder why, but I try to stay positive. I find the worse time is when I just need a cuddle and a reassuring word, and I guess that will be the way of things for me


I had same experience last year with Sky they are so good at convincing you to stay, I had my bill cut by £30 by taking off stuff I dont need like movies ( my husband was the movie buff not me) I much prefer a tv drama, and I got Sky Q thrown in for free, my box was years old ! But when the set term is finished I am going to end the contract as its still too much,when I mostly just watch GBN news these days as I dont seem to have the concentration for anything else! ( thats the plan anyway but I will likely get roped in again )
Filling your day with jobs round the house are a good distraction but some days I have no energy to do that then feel guilty at end of day for being so lazy, we just cannot win, our partners are always on our minds,no matter what we do,its hard and I hope the grief becomes easier with time, I am almost 15 months into this grief journey and it still feels so raw, but guess after being with someone since the age of 17 and losing him just days after my 66th birthday it was bound to be hard.
Take care and just keep doing what you have too to get through this journey we are all on xxx


Hi everyone

I’m feeling quite positive today.
Don’t know why but I’m going to take it.
Maybe it’s because I’m staying at my sisters so it’s easier to push everything to the back of my mind
I agree. Distractions are a good way of dealing with it. I find that although Roger fills my brain constantly, if I’m busy and can see I’ve achieved something, I do feel a bit better about things. For a while.
But its ever long before the pain hits again and the yearning starts.
But I’m having a positive day and I’m not going to think of that now.
I’m going to channel my inner Scarlett O’Hara and think about it tomorrow. Because “tomorrow is another day”!

Love and hugs to everyone

Liz x x


That resonates with me Willow112, My David was a whizz with technology he had a degree in computers, I am so useless, I bought a new phone and setting it up has been so stressful and it keeps going wrong and doing what it wants. David would have sorted it out easily.
Also like you when I am not strong enough to open a jar etc I feel helpless and sad.
I have my grandson who helps me a lot but I cannot burden him too much he is only 19 and wants to be out there with his friends. He is a poppet though and does willingly help me.
I guess we are having to learn new skills that we didn’t want to learn but that also makes me sad as David would have been praising me saying well done when I had achieved something or learned something new.
Well done for doing the lawn, I am lucky I was always the gardener anyway and I enjoy doing it ( not as much as I did because it seems pointless now as I don’t want to sit in it on my own ) also well done for dealing with SKY and the bottle, we do become inventive in finding ways to do something !.


Hi willow god u sound just like me I did the same to our garden and everytime I look at Robert’s picture I keep apologising
He was the gardener and always told me to go away if I tried helping in the garden x
But I am getting there with it and hoping it will look good and Robert will be watching over me saying well done babe!
I miss him so much the 3 months he has been gone have been the worse time of my life but I try my best to get through it
My son and his fiance welcomed our grandson into the world 2 week ago and he takes my mind off how rubbish I feel
I am so glad I joined this community it helps to read every one else’s comments and makes me think see it’s not just you that feels like this xxxxx


Well done! I gave up with the mowing and now pay a local guy to do it; he’s cheap, very nice, and likes chocolate ginger biscuits with his coffee. As for the laptop, I’m still running Windows 7!


Thank goodness for distractions they help to keep us feeling normal for a while,


Yes thank God.
I still have many down days but I take the positives when I can.
I’m starting to have more good days. Usually followed by a couple of iffy ones but I suppose we have to take the good with the bad.
I stll think distractions are the best way forward