Twin sister

Hi , I’ve been on here now over 2 years but don’t seem to get any response from any one who’s lost a brother or sister or twin , im a twin I lost my sister in December 2020 ,I would like to chat to anyone who’s in the same situation as myself , maria

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Hi I lost my sister who was my best friend and we lived together. We did everything together and with friends and now I am alone. The grief is not fading nor is the feeling of being alone and I am scared. Friends have disappeared or have partners/husbands. You find out you are alone and it’s really difficult to deal with. It feels like there is no point to anything as you have no one.
He only that has kept me going is my dog, he still needs to be looked after. Reading other people’s comments you know you are not the only person going through it.

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Hi lonely , thanks for the reply , my twin sister is called Claire she was 47 when we lost her , first she had breast cancer , had treatment all clear rang bell , went back to work then within a month she took poorly , ended up at hospital had tests got told it was leukaemia , she started treatment but was not responding to any . So from finding out to the end it was just 12 weeks

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Hi , thanks for replying my twin is. Claire first she had breast cancer , went through chemo got all clear , rang bell went back to work , then within 4 weeks she too poorly ,went to hospital did tests , find she had leukaemia ,due to the treatment from breast cancer . So from going to hospital to her last day it was Just 12 weeks . Maria

I lost my sister Clare to breast cancer secondaries in December last year. I struggle some days and wonder if I am ever going to feel ok again. She was my rock and support, even if we didn’t always agree!! It feels very lonely somedays and I have started just wanting to be at hime and not go out. I have to push myself out the door somedays. I understand the loneliness.

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Hi Viv, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my sister in September and feel alone without her. She was my best friend and now I have nothing. I have started going for a coffee with an old work friend which is an hour out of the house. I forced myself to go and I am glad I did. Nothing will ever be the same. I hope you have a friend to go for a walk or have a coffee with. I had a counsellor and she said set myself 3 tasks to do over the weekend. Sounds daft but I have been clearing a cupboard out, cut the grass and and started to go through my clothes. That one is big task so it will be ongoing for a while. I don’t want to do it but it has occupied me. Feel to message anytime x

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Hi viv , I know how you feeling right now. I lost my twin sister in December 2020 to breast cancer and leukaemia , we were close to each other , as it was lock down and Christmas n new year we had to go by the rules , i was off work from December till April then come September started to feel low in my Self didn’t won’t to go out mix with any one my mind had realised I’m struggling and I needed help . I got help through work and I had counselling which helped me talk about her to someone I don’t know and get my emotions out . At first I was going to the cemetery every day that was to make sure she was alright I still go but not every day . Hope you reply back as I’ve go more to say but just left it there for now .Maria


Thank you for reaching out. Some days are worse than others. I went to London yesterday as I had some business to do there and revisited Chinatown. My sister and I used to go there so often as kids, with my parents of course! It was the second time I have been since she died and I felt better about being there. I felt good getting out but she was in my thoughts for much of the day. The hardest times are when I am down or had an argument with my mum and there is such a void where we would have talked. I don’t have a lot of regret but as she lived quite far away I wish I had gone to see her more, been braver about going on my own (it felt like that was difficult due to other family members). I just miss her but am going through a slightly lighter phase at the moment. Sending you loads of love too x

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I have heard of the rule of 3 - finding 3 things you can do and celebrating when you get any of the tasks done. I like that and hope it helps you. It is just lovely to chat to people who understand x x

Hi viv it’s hard we will always have bad days , when I hear her songs or the flowers she liked , I find going to the cemetery and talking to her makes me feel better , if I haven’t been for a few days I get down with myself so I go and take some flowers for her and have have a chat , Maria

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Hi it is nice to chat to others who understand. People have said get out and do things but everything I did was with her so now it just seems there is no point or enjoyment, going out alone isn’t the same. You want to enjoy things with people. We went concerts and tribute nights and that has all gone. Even just shopping and having lunch together, small things mean a lot. We wanted to go to London and Edinburgh. I am glad you are having a few lighter days. Take care xx

When the days are heavy’ I just sit and watch TV or go to bed at 2030 and do the same! There is a 'list of 3 things ’ that might help and can be as simple as make coffee, get up and stretch and walk to the kitchen (and back to the couch) !! Just the act of writing them down and then ticking them off is ‘proactive’. Some days I tell myself just getting up and making myself a drink is good!! Life will not be the same I know and I also know readjusting it little by little is ok. Much love to u and hugs x x

Hello to you all …I’m so sorry for the loss of your siblings…it’s such a difficult thing to come to terms with i miss my brother so much he was always my go to and the lost feeling is overwhelming

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