Tykey's personal story of my journey out of the grief.

Your story is very helpful and true to what I have experienced and it has been a very tricky 3 years since he has gone. I met my husband at 17 and we had 50 years together also. I suffered PTSD and still do, as I wish I had done this and that in his final week and I go over his illness etc. I also have good days where I remember all our happiest times, I have kept myself busy with new hobbies, tai chi, swimming and painting. I also play scrabble and have made new friends there.

I am pleased to say my husband was such a lovely man and I was proud to be his wife.

@tykey The good news is I got the job but the bad news is, I turned it down. I just didn’t get that feeling and the person interviewing me would have been my Manager but he came across worse than my current one which I didn’t think was possible. Luckily for me I felt that in the interview but I had two strong signs from my Mum which I thought were positive signs. Turns out that she must have been warning me. Hopefully I can get out before another decade passes.

Thats funny, in our house there are 3 guitars, 4 ukuleles, and a drum kit, and i cant play any of them. My late hubby dabbled and he bought me the drum kit, it was my best Christmas pressie ever.
Oh and 6 didgeridoos of my late husbands which he was very good at playing.

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