Uncontrollable crying

My husband of 42 years died on the 7th May 2024.
He had been ill for 26 years. Nothing can ever prepare you for the loss. I feel that the day he took his last breath part of me went with him.

These last 3 days everything reminds me of him. The hospital type beds have now been returned from our home, leaving a big empty space.

I find comfort in holding the stress ball he held knowing he had it in his hand a few days before he died.

I miss him so much :cry:


I’m struggling to get used to the new reality of my life that all my grandparents are now gone. My grandma died on 12th June, 9 days before my 40th birthday and it’s her funeral tomorrow and I still can’t get used to accepting that her house is now empty. She lived a full and happy life but she’s left a massive hole in my heart that will never be filled again. I miss her everyday and can’t stop crying every morning. I’ve struggled in work everyday and I’m dreading tomorrow as my heart is shattering to a million pieces at the thought I’m never going to see my beloved grandma again. The tears don’t want to end.


I lost my beautiful bride of nearly 64 years of wonderful marriage and my wife BERYL died suddenly on 5/4/2024 and when I am alone I can’t stop crying. Tomorrow 3/9/24 we should be celebrating our 64th wedding anniversary and I don’t know what to do, I am crying while I am writing this, can anyone help me, THANKS


Hi Br1an3
So sorry for your loss of your Beryl. :broken_heart:. I have just recently lost my husband Davie of 40 years
( 25th July 2024) and feel your pain, i am struggling to stop crying at times. What has helped me the last few weeks is looking at photos and remembering the days they were took how happy he was at times with me and our now grown up children and how happy he made us feel and that has kept me going.
Also keep a picture close to you in your breast pocket next to your :heart: and try and think of good times/memories you had with your Beryl
Try and be in company of folk so it gives you someone to talk to as i know full well that when we are alone the thoughts we have makes us very sad and cry buckets :sob::cry:
Try and get out and about every day even if its just for a walk or to the local shops.
Here for a chat anytime.
Take care