Unexpected extra pension

I might be the only person who didn’t already know this but I thought I’d mention it in case I’m not.

A few people had asked me if my state pension increased when my husband died and I’d said no it hadn’t, to be honest as I get full state pension in my own right I didn’t see why it would. Then I met up with two friends and one of them asked me the same question and said her friend has received an increase and was a similar age to me.

I was thinking about it a few days later and decided to find out. I phoned the bereavement team at the DWP and they were really helpful. To cut a long story short, within a few weeks I had a letter to confirm I will receive an additional £122 every four weeks plus £500 in arrears. It’s been really helpful as my income was more than halved when John died - it feels like he’s still supporting me even though he’s no longer here. I hope this might help someone.


I only retired at Christmas and like you I was pleasantly surprised to inherit part of my husbands pension. Because he had been in SERPs it increased my pension to almost the same as I had earned while working.
Yes, I think he was still looking after me from his heavenly place.


Thank you for posting this information about state pension, i wasnt aware of this. I thought i was only entitled to my full state pension, so havent bothered to enquire,but thanks to you i will now look into it. My husband of 50yrs passed away in April. Thank you x


I got an unsolicited letter from the DWP saying I was not entitled to any extra pension. I had not actually contacted them, presumably they are part of the “Tell Us Once” system. It said they had checked mine and my husband’s records.
I have no idea who gets an increase and who does not. I always paid a full stamp.

I was the same ,I was told I could claim Pension Credit, but when I did the online form it said I am not entitled to it.

Hi all,

Sharing some information on the Sue Ryder website which may be helpful.

This link points directly to the other financial support section which discusses pensions and directs to the gov.uk website.

Take care,

Sue Ryder Online Community team