
Where are you now that you have gone
And left me all alone
Flying high amongst the stars
And circling the sun

I can’t begin to comprehend
The place you now reside
I only hope your happy there
Without me by your side

I’m struggling to grasp the fact
That you have gone away
Even though, I saw you go
That fateful winters day

The chasm you have left is wider
Than the universe
That wondrous space that you are now empowered to traverse

In many ways I envy you,
Your spirit set so free
Yet I cannot help but wonder
What your loss will mean for me

For now I must remain imprisoned
Down here on the earth
Destined to endure alone
My empty final years

Until the day I too will launch my soul toward the stars
Where me and you will join again
Nevermore to be apart


Beautiful and simple

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