Until we meet again .

My darling Janet died just a few days ago .
I am empty and lost . I feel so insecure without you my darling . You taught me how to love and how to show my true feelings . Us men are supposed to be in control and able to deal with things and keep our emotions to ourselves . With you I could be myself . Insecure and emotional at times . You held me in your arms and made all the bad stuff go away . As long as I had you , everything was ok . We lived for each other and were a part of each other . Everyone thought we were joined at the hip but that was how we wanted to be . We loved our simple life my darling . The garden , driving to nice places , meals out . As long as we were together , we were happy . When I had cancer , you cared for me without a thought for yourself . You loved me , cared for me , consoled me and made me a better person . I hope you always knew how much I love you and needed you .
Now you are gone I am empty , insecure and scared . At first I wanted it to be me who had passed away but now I realize that I could not have wished this pain on you . It is beyond bearing . I no longer want to live . I want to be with you yet I have to carry on because of our son .
My darling , thank you a million times for giving so much of yourself to me for so long .
There are no words in the language to say how much I will miss you . For me the world has come to an end . It is not a place I want to be without you by my side .
I love you my dearest Janet through eternity xxxxx


@noel what you wrote for Janet is beautiful and it’s everything I feel for my pauline I am so deeply sorry for your loss Janet sounds like an amazing lady I think we were blessed to have had them in our lives even though it wasn’t for long enough god bless us all and our lost loves stay safe take care you are in my thoughts