Up and down

Having lost my husband this year then my older sister, grieving hasn’t been a linear thing, more up and down, going forwards then falling back.
We were married for 46yrs, together for 52yrs in total, met when we were 16yrs old. Outwardly I look like I’m coping. Guess I am but there are days when it hits me hard. Rebuilding a life when you are 70yrs, disabled, isn’t easy. I don’t think it’s easy for anyone whatever age they are.

Losing my sister, who’d been so busy, so full of life months after losing my husband felt almost unreal. Still processing it all.

I began a ‘journey journal’ and dump my feelings and what’s happening, found it helped me to make sense of what was going on. I can also see hope creeping back in.
Life hasn’t turned out the way we’d hoped, planned. My husband spent the time he should have been enjoying his retirement battling cancer instead. We made. an effort to enjoy life as best we could. My health problems didn’t make it easy, but there’s some good memories made over the last 4 years too.


Hello @Sue222, thank you for sharing your feelings with us. I am so sorry for the loss of your husband and sister. I think a lot of our members will relate to your description of grief being up and down, forwards and back.

I am glad journaling has been helpful for you - we have other members who journal and find it helps them make sense of things, too. We have some other tools on our Grief Guide platform which you might also find useful.

I really hope you find the community to be a support - you are not alone.

Take care,

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Thank you. I’ll have a look at the Grief Guide. Thanks again