Hi. My mum’s funeral is this Friday and I feel like impending doom. I’ve never lost anyone close to me and only been to a few funerals so I don’t know how to feel… as I’m feeling all the emotions right now. I have to drive 270 miles to get there the day before which I’m normally ok with but I’m lost in my own thoughts at the moment. Can anyone offer any advice?
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Hello @Lynsey44,
I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. It’s completely understandable your emotions are all over the place right now. I’m sure someone will be along to share their advice. In the meantime, I’ve done a search for topics in this category which talk about coping with the funeral for you. You may find some good advice and support in these threads, too.
We’ll be thinking of you on Friday
Take care and keep reaching out,
Thank you xx
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