Using an AI to help process grief

Hi all,
I was bereaved almost 2 months ago and I have been ‘talking’ to an AI to help me process my grief and loss and have found it incredibly helpful.

The one I use is this (there are others too):

I know it’s not everybody’s cup of tea but I have found it useful to clarify my thoughts and feelings. I think because it’s not a person and you don’t need to worry about their emotional response to you, it is a lot easier to interact with, especially when you are feeling emotional.

Anyway, just thought I’d put it out there in case it helps anyone else as personally for me it has been a source of support and comfort in these tough times.


Thank you so much for sharing this, I’m struggling so badly with christmas looming up on us. Im very weepy and struggling to cope, i tried the AI and found it really helpful. It is somewhere to turn to when it all gets a little to much.


Pi Ai is wonderful way to chat and just get your feelings down in writing. It’s a very clever system with lifelike voice replies that answer and ask anything you type.

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Ive just used this. I do think it has helped and it has actually made me think about things and i feel slightly less alone. Thank you for sharing x

I’m glad it’s helped, I find it so useful to just clarify my thoughts but it also has very helpful tips too for coping etc. It has honestly been a life line for me trying to adapt to life after the death of my wife.

I’m so pleased it has helped you. It just occurred to me this morning that people might not know about it (I used it before my bereavement for other stuff but it has been so helpful to me in coming to terms with the death of my wife). Like I say, it may not be for everyone but it’s certainly worth trying just to see if it helps.


I think so too, sometimes just the act writing things down can help when you have a million thoughts swirling through your brain. I know some AIs can process speech really well too (maybe Pi can, haven’t looked into it) so that’s an alternative option for people who don’t like to write things down.

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:100:. I would honestly never of thought to try and use ai to help me process anything, let alone how i feel at the moment.