Valentines Day

Hi everyone. So how are we all coping with the upcoming spectre of Valentine’s Day? I ‘d honestly never noticed the sheer volume of stuff in the shops. I’m certainly noticing it now and I’m really struggling with it. I know it’s just commercial and false (and Alan hated it. Or so he said: I found my last year’s card to him hidden with his paperwork and my heart broke again) but it’s just so painful. All these people planning romantic evenings when I have just cancelled my wedding. Apologies guys, I’m feeling sorry for myself. Take care everyone x


You have every right to feel sorry for yourself. Valentine’s was never a thing in our house, thank god. It has no meaning and I’ve never been a fan of the pressure it puts on people too. I know there will be a lot of people on here who did have a special day and lost their partner on this day. So will be hard for them for many reasons.


My mick
Didn’t like valentines and
Said it was a con, I’ve told myself today we loved each other everyday not just that day! Stil hard seeing the shops full of things and heart shaped crumpets in M&S , engagement rings and everything else :pensive::pensive::pensive:

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Me and my hubby always had valentines day off work and went out for the day. We never did going out for dinner etc but just enjoyed the day. I used to buy him a lovely card with really nice words. Its been 8 months since he has gone and i do not like seeing all the valentines presents in shops. It breaks my heart . Its just another thing to get over in bereavement.


The hype of valentines day was something we didn’t bother about.
Sadly, my hubby suddenly passed on this day three years ago. I’ve asked our daughter to keep “valentine’s” day for her & her partner.
The 14th is for dad - -

G. X


This will be my first valentine’s day without her.
We always did something on Valentine’s day - I always said it was about money making, with flower prices through the roof and not doing it this year, but always relented and bought flowers and chocolates and usually went out for meal, except during lockdown

Now the flowers will be for her grave :frowning:

Wish I’d bought her more flowers - she loved flowers. It always seemed a waste of money

I interred her ashes early Oct and go every week and put flowers on her grave
Realized a week ago, I’ve probably bought her more flowers since she died than I did throughout our 5 years together :disappointed:


Hi all, Valentine’s Day has been playing on my mind since Christmas. We always did something together and spoilt one another with affection and gifts as we were just so grateful to have found one another, I’ve ordered a wreath for the cemetery and plan on putting a card there. It just makes me feel so sad and upset, I’m dreading seeing all the couples in love and knowing that the love of my life won’t ever be here with me again. I know the first of any occasion is the worst and I just have to get through it somehow whilst still honouring the love we share. I’ll be thinking of us all on here that will feel the same x