Valentine's publicity

Anyone else had enough already!! ?? Hardly have Christmas out of the way, plenty of support ( though not as much as desired or as much as I would give others) for that but hmmmm, we rarely bothered with Valentine’s pretty much stopped cards etc about 10 years ago, however , was Valentine’s card that brought us fully together !!!:two_hearts: considering having that one or maybe ALL off them out !!! - thoughts appreciated x
Equally, can’t believe Easter in shops this soon too, prob just me & not liking heavy pushy commercialism. Yes I’ll try & practice what I preach - LIVE & SURVIVE ON THE JOY OF THE MEMORIES

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Hey, i not long started a night job in retail just for a distraction away from the house at night and we got tonnes of Easter eggs in on December the 28th but weren’t allowed to put them on shelves until Jan 1st so yeah first day of the new year… Let’s ram shelves with easter :roll_eyes: as for getting your cards out if that works for you and brings you happiness then do what you feel is best, personally I couldn’t do that and to be honest I wouldn’t want to… Seeing things like that just remains me I’m now alone and my soul mate has gone, I’m trying to stay as distracted as possible… I just can’t leave reminders out of a life that has gone now, if that makes any sense :man_shrugging: but if like I said that brings you a positive feeling then go for it :grin:


I’m already fed up with the ads for valentines day. It was always a special day for us and we made it special for eachother. It will be my first one without her and it will also be ten months since I lost her.

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I’m happy you find having everything out soothing and comforting, like you say we’re all different… What helps one hinders another… All that said you’re heading towards your 8th year without him, I haven’t reached my first so everything to me seems still very raw and not to be rude if I had lost my soul mate in my 70s although the pain and every other emotion probably would have been the same I’d know I wouldn’t have too many decades without them.
I’m yet to reach 50 and the thought of maybe 40 more years without them is devastating too me…
None of us I guess view things the same, too me you were extremely lucky to have so long with the man you feel in love with and I’m sure you had an amazing life together and may all your pictures books and everything carry on giving you comfort… You take good care of yourself x


Same re pictures etc it will always be our house x

Hard on a phone to suss who’s replying to what but I’m sure many are still young & looked forward to at least 20 years retirement together :disappointed_relieved:you are not on your own xxx we none of us can predict the future, easy to envisage next 30 plus years alone is likely currently , will never go with anyone else etc but…

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If I feel bitter about anything, it’s that there can never be a long and happy retirement for us. I used to wonder what we would be like going into old age together. I’m not quite at retirement age yet so I am still working and I will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Honestly, working has been my saviour in all of this and I feel fortunate in that sense.

With regards valentine’s, we never did that. Every day was an ‘I love you’ day. Valentine’s Day cards, as I understand it, were meant to be from a secret admirer; our love for each other was definitely no secret. :wink:


Yes Casey another event to get through, another painful heartbreaking day without our Valentines. Take care my friend :heart: