
Hello again. Yes, another weekend. I hope you are all doing ok. I always used to long for a lie in, now its too easy, on my own. Valentines: neither of us really bothered w it but we did acknowledge it. First one on my own. I’ve put a card near his photo. Various jobs and gardening this weekend, to fill the void. I will take myself to lunch on Monday, or a garden centre.
The forced plodding along is exhausting but we have to do it. Still can’t believe he’s gone. I know you all understand, which is comforting. Take care of yourselves, esp if its yr first solo Valentines.


Dear Gonegirl,
You have summed it up so well with the words…The forced plodding is exhausting but we have to do it. All the jobs we shared are now just ours and it’s not the same is it from the what will we do today to who’s going to make a cup of tea half way through and the satisfaction when you’ve finished.
Tomorrow Valentines day would have been our 48th wedding anniversary so not looking forward to getting through another day of memories…

Hope you manage to get all your jobs done this weekend and visit the garden centre on Monday.
Thinking of you,
Love Jenny.

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Thankyou. X

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Hello all

I’m dreading it, I can already feel the wave of greif and sadness building from the pit of my stomache. It’s only been 9 weeks (Friday just gone). I’ve had my wonderful husband’s loss, Christmas, his funeral, New Year, his birthday and now valentine’s Day to cope with. Then to top it all it’s our wedding anniversary next month.

I’ve practically painted every room in the house, tided the loft, tided the shed and more or less sorted the garden.

I’m not sure how much good busying myself actually does, it helps to distract at the time, but then when the grief catches up with you it’s just so overwhelming.

I bought some fresh flowers for him today which I’ve put next to his photo. We too didn’t do much for valentine’s as he was so romantic all year round - it felt like everyday was valentine’s.

Sending love for getting through the weekend xxx