Very historic loss of dad

Hi, I’m so sorry for all your losses. In many ways I don’t feel I should really be posting - please forgive me if so. I lost my dad so long ago I feel ashamed that I often still struggle. He was 53 when he died suddenly of a heart attack, & I was 16 then - I’m now 53 myself, but in truth it often feels as if I’ve never grown up. I wonder if there’s something wrong with me that I haven’t moved on more from it (i.e. neurodiversity), but I really couldn’t talk to a GP about it. I looked around a bit before I posted, & all your losses looked far more recent than mine - is there anyone here having a similar experience?


My loss is much more recent and I hope someone with a similar experience will respond, but wanted to say that there’s nothing wrong with you. Even if you would find out you’re neurodivergent, it means being different but not and never wrong. I wish you all the best. :heart:


Much appreciated Ulma, & you’re so right, it does just mean being different - I’ve just realised how ignorant that was of me! Thank you for replying, & best wishes to you also x

PS. Not ignorant, I didn’t mean it like that, I meant it as reassurance! :heart:

Oh I know you didn’t, & it was reassuring :slightly_smiling_face: … ignorant’s a harsh word maybe - I just realise that I wasn’t thinking rationally there x

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Bless you. That’s a very very difficult loss to endure. You are just welcome here as everyone else is. And, yes, it would make sense to me that you still struggle with your loss, especially as you were so young and vulnerable, back then.

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Hello having just gone through this I don’t think there is anything wrong with you at all . It’s absolutely heartbreaking and has hit me really hard . I’m not sure what neurodivergent is so I do apologise but
perhaps you didn’t fully process it as you were so young ? Either way I don’t think there is any right or wrong and how you feel is valid . Take care of yourself .

Thank you so much…it’s good to be able to come here, & grief seems a lonely place. I think there may always be more healing to do, but we have to feel it & it’s hard to let in - my heart goes out to you all :two_hearts:

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