Very low day

So it’s bank holiday weekend everyone is out with their families. I struggle at weekends because that was family time but BH are the worse I just want to go to sleep and wake up once it’s all over but I can’t I have a son to occupy which is a blessing I know but I just feel so forgotten sometimes so unloved so alone and these long weekends amplify that feeling in the pit of my stomach the void is overwhelming. I lost my husband 17 months ago and I still can’t process what happened or if I ever will, but I know that if I have another 50 yrs I can’t go on feeling like this


So sorry to hear this. I know exactly what you mean about Bank Holidays, I’ve had a busy week at work, which is good and saw some friends yesterday and will see family later but I still feel so alone. My partner died two months ago suddenly, I’m 39 he was 71 but the age gap didn’t matter. We loved each completely. We were together 4 and a half years. He was my soul mate and my best friend in the World.
I don’t have children but have a nephew. He had grown up children, one of which keeps saying that we’ll catch up but nothing since 4yh August. I miss K so much it’s just an awful, sad journey we’ve all been forced to take.


Thank you for your reply and I’m sorry for your loss, my husband was 33 when he died we were together since 19 so my whole adult life was with him he too was my best friend and ironically the only person that could make me feel better when I’m feeling like this

My husband too was the only one who could make me feel better. I was always prone to depression in Sundays and he would just hug me. Now I have worse depression and no hug. We were together just shy of 50 years. The time together is irrelevant. It us the love that matters. It hurts just as much 50 years or 50 days. Xx.


I was with my wife since 19 and completely understand what you mean. Not knowing adult life without my soul mate by my side until now. The world goes on as normal around us and bank holidays seem especially hard. This weekend was when we and all our friends annually went away camping. I couldn’t face going without her this year so I am at home isolated and feeling very down. I’ve found that being lonely is best done alone, rather than the excruciating loneliness of being in a crowd for whom nothing has changed. Such a phenomenally hard way to exist from now on.


We got married at 21 but met at 18 so I too have had the whole of my adult life with him. I really just exist now. It us a miserable existence.

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Hi flotsom i know what you mean by loneliness lost my darling wife almost 11 months now not heard from her 3 brothers since the funeral i now think i am getting used to being on my own sounds strange but that seems to make me feel more relaxed i speak to her quite a lot hope I’m not going mad!!!


Iunderstand what you all are saying.
Nearly 12 weejs this Thursday and none of his family have been in touch my sister in law did text so say thst they have been busy with family and they are goingbon holiday to Corfu in Sept and we could maybe catch up before they go. I will just wait and see who knows mayve they will
My own daughter only lives avout 1hr away but she might as well stay in space the amount of contact i receive and mybe bet a text every 10 days. At least my other dayghter in Australia phones me every week to see how i am. My mum has dementia and has forgotten my husband so i cant speak with her. My brother has not been in contact since funeral but i sm not close to him anyway
Thank goodness for my friend who phones every couple of daysto check uo on me.
If one thing i have learned life is short and time moves on appreciate the support you receive and give back kindness to others.
Another bank holiday and it will be our wedding anniversary 36 years too i hope something nice and happy memories for tomorrow.


Its is … its an awful journey of discovery and how the hell we cope without their love ? Xx

Its just awful isnt it how family desert you ! Im disgusted tbh with most of mine … :frowning: xx

Yes it is hard but i do understand that unless you have gone through this grief
of losing someone close you do not appreciate the pain and heartache and i would not wish anyone this pain. I only wish i could take the pain away from others who are going through this but we can only listen and try to help best way we can x


I too was 19 when I started living with my husband. I’m 56. The loneliness is the thing I struggle with the most. After having your soul mate your whole adult life it’s a huge adjustment to no longer have them by your side. Sending love to everyone on this journey.


I totally agree with you @Jan17 i was in my early 20’s and my husband was such a lovely guy and i was with him 37 years, married 35 :frowning: xx
My husband said when he got ill - why me ? And yeh why him ! He has 4 brothers … why wasnt it them ? He had a loving wife, 3 children and 5 grandchildren … he was only 60 and he loved life ! I dont get it ! Xx


I dont think we will ever get an answer to why them. I only know hiw much it hurts to be left behind without them.
I am sure no matter how long we have been without them we will not get over the shock and pain we all are feeling. Love hurts and we have to work through this in order to survive on our own x


Never a truer word galaxy x

@Deb5 My husband also said to me “How did this disease just find me “ I second it Deb why him all his relatives and contemporaries nothing all fine but my lovely Zek was struck down
Hugs Annx

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Yeh seems so unfair :frowning: he has had rotten luck with his health last 12 years since being 48 … i guess in end his body could not take anymore :frowning: but his brothers are hardly ideal either but they’re still here :frowning: again as i say many times so unfair … xx