Very new to this

My husband died very unexpectedly on Christmas Eve. We haven’t had the funeral yet I’m so lost I’m struggling to gather my thoughts. Thankfully I have 2 grown up children but they’re grieving too. We were due to go on a cruise for my birthday in a few weeks time, this wasn’t meant to happen.


My deepest condolences, so sorry for your loss. Nothing prepares us for this and hopefully you will find support here. There are some lovely people here. It’s over three years for me and we were married 45 years.
Again, my condolences.


So sorry for your loss. I lost my husband 16 weeks ago also suddenly ,
Please keep writing on here there is some lovely people and it does help to have people to talk to who are on the same journey
Take Care xx


So sorry for your loss
It’s been nine weeks since my partner passed away and I know what you are going through and like you we had plans for this year I’m struggling with the grief and loneliness and anxiety and having this place to write about how we are feeling helps a lot so many people are going through the same thing and it’s good to have people to talk to it’s good to know you are not alone
Take care and look after yourself

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My heart goes out to you. My husband died suddenly and unexpectedly 16 weeks ago, so I can understand all the emotions you’ll be going through. This forum is the best thing I have found to help me through this, apart from my very small circle of friends and family. We all understand what we’re going through and there’s always someone here for you.
Thinking of you x

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I lost my husband on 17th December
Like you I have grown up children they are grieving for their dad.
His funeral is at the end of the month.
I know he has gone but it was so quick. I can’t get my head around it.
As mums we try to be strong for our children. Remember to look after yourself and accept all the support you are offered.
Sending hugs. You are not alone.

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So sorry for your loss, you are not alone. My wife died unexpectedly suddenly without warning after 52 wonderful years on 8th September 2023 she was 74. There is nothing that can prepare you for this loss unbelievable grief and sadness.
I have found this helps, one to one support with my doctor, I go once a week to a local bereavement group chat and if you go on utube access Julia Samuel she is a specialist in grief counselling she has over 30 years experience and OBE, she has written 2 books I’ve downloaded “Grief Works” as a audio book. Cruse bereavement support is another help, find chat groups on Facebook, as I said although you don’t think it you are not alone.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I am in a similar situation. I lost my husband of 34 years on 17th December and feel completely lost. I also lost my mum 2 weeks prior to his passing. I’m going through the motions of getting through each day but I feel so lost with no sense of purpose even though I have adult children and a grandchild . For 3 years we were facing a terminal diagnosis but it doesn’t prepare you for the overwhelming sense of loss. I feel angry that this wasn’t meant to be our story. Then I feel guilty for feeling angry. I’m trying to write down every day, all the things I’m grateful for in life in the hope that I can carry on.

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I am so sorry for your losses.
Sending hugs & strength.
Please take care x