Videos of my mum

For quite sometime I’ve been trying to pluck up the courage to watch videos of my mum after I lost her.
These videos are memories of over 30 years. To watch them could be too much for me to watch. One night I’ll have a huge bottle of jack daniels and get so drunk watching them. It won’t be easy.
With the passage of time I find it’s so hard to remember my mums voice I still remember my mums smile and her laugh her witty sense of humour. I just want to feel close to her
I am going to watch these videos. Better make a trip to off licence and have a night to remember

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Hi Steven
Sorry for your loss
I lost my Mum in September
I was scrolling through my photos and came across videos of my Mum
I’ve played them a few times and the result very tearful like you I want to remember everything about my Mum I think of my Mum every day x
I also try and remember things that made us laugh and great days out
I hope you do look at the videos of your Mum
Enjoy the JD x

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Hi Chri
I’m sorry to read of your loss
Yes it’s hard to watch my mum on videos when I can’t see her face to face and hear her voice it’s weird though I still kind of have an idea how my mum sounds I just need to hear her one more time so it sticks in my mind. We have to hold on to things that help us remember it’s not much but it’s better than nothing
Photos i have so many of them I treasure them

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Hello Stephen, I understand this feeling. I’ve hid mums texts and I’m not ready to watch videos of her & i have looked at photos but it always ends up with that gut wrenching feeling of we will never see her again. I know there will be a time when I can sit and do all that but I know it’s just not my time yet. I hope that when you do watch her videos you smile & laugh and remember them precious memories :heart:

Hello Charlotte
Yeah It’s knowing the perfect time and I’ve reached that time.
Yesterday I told my partner I have found a sort of inner peace that I am now in control of my grief I refuse to let it control me.
I know that when I watch the videos of my mum it’s going to hurt a lot coupled with plenty of jack Daniel’s I’ll be so drunk I won’t care. At least I get to see my mum I’ll cry my heart out and my mum will see me wrap her arms around me it’ll be more like me holding her. I truly believe my mum will be right by my side. I’m not going to let go I let her go 8 years ago but not this time. I’ve waited to long to see her I’m not willing to wait no more


Hi Steven
Your Mum will be right there with you !
Embrace your photos and videos ,

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