Waiting for the funeral of your mother

Its been 10 days since my mother has passed and what heartbreaking :broken_heart: . My mind is racing and my stomach is all knotted up crying all the time and im panicking about the funeral


Hi we waited 6 weeks for my mums funeral.
Due to a delay then having investigations etc. And being moved eventually to the funeral parlors.
It felt like a life
In-between this we had mothers day and her birthday all i wanted was to see her on her birthday one last time but it didn’t happen.
The funeral gave me closure and the time to grieve as i think i was in denial
I think on the build up, you’re busy making arrangements and once it’s it’s over you totally slow down and it hits you then.
Sending hugs x


We had to wait 5 weeks for mum’s funeral due to investigations. I kept busy as I helped with arrangements, flowers, food etc.
I was dreading the funeral but we gave her a beautiful send off. But as soon as I walked behind her coffin, I lost it, it seemed so real then.
Let the grief come, let it all out, it will help.

Take care

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Thank you so much beautiful words :heart: :heartpulse: :two_hearts: :kissing_heart:

Thank you for your beautiful words its heartbreaking xxx

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