Wanting to date after two years

I am wanting to date after losing my partner two years ago, but really don’t know if I can join a dating site. I was hoping to meet someone naturally and I did meet a few men but I have found it’s harder than I thought . I am not openly looking just trying to enjoy my new life and experiences but I would like male company. I know I have set my criteria to find a partner so high but I will not settle for anything other than kindness, trust, laughter and that’s just to name the most important. I have joined various groups and met lots of people but nobody special. Everywhere I see couples and I just want to have some happiness. I am hoping there is someone special out there.


Hi @Lyn2507 i lost my husband nearly 18 months ago. And youre so right not as easy as it sounds is it finding somebody else :frowning: i know people want me to but its really hard … i got a male friend who i like but no no idea if its reciprocated or not cos he plays his card close to his chest :frowning:
I miss my husband and wish he was here and ive cried a river over him i really have but i also know i cant bring him back either :frowning: sending u love and i know just how u feel xxx

Hi Deb5
I did meet someone who I really liked and at the beginning he was so caring and thoughtful. He knew what I was going through after losing my husband and I really thought he was a genuine person. He told me he was starting to have feelings for me and this really through me as I was massively grieving. He seemed to understand and I said we would have to take it slowly. Then when I came back from my holiday with my daughters everything changed and he started cooling off.
I was starting to have feelings and this has ripped me apart and I feel I can’t trust men. My wall has gone back up and I realise this is going to be hard as I have a big trust issue. Why can’t men be honest and open. I think what I am looking for is not out there.
Take care

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Ah … i know exactly what you mean ! This guy i know blows hot and cold too and after what we been through its last thing we need isnt it ? And yeh i agree these men need to man up and be more honest with us ! I think we deserve that ! Im so disillusioned with the world ! Probably more disillusioned than i was at the beginning of this awful time for us ;( i was just heartbroken at beginning - now i just think what a world and what are people like ? I dont really understand them anymore :frowning: all those years being married i guess we were in our own little world xx

Hi Debs5
I think because I had such a great husband and happy marriage I expect more. We cannot settle for just anything because what would be the point. I would rather be on my own the rest of my life than choose the wrong person.
I am experiencing my new life with my husband along side me but just miss the male company and banter. Lol

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Yeh im just same and had a good marriage too although last few years were hard as he got poorly… may i add i didnt know it would be incurable though :(,had no idea :frowning:
I miss the banter and chat too ! And my husband is still very close to me too … i feel him with me … So we same there … guess we will get there one day i hope ! Somebody said to me if you think youre gonna meet someone you will ??? Dunno how true that is :frowning: but i think what’s hard is that we knew what was ahead of us when we had our husbands and now we have no idea ?? ;( i find that really hard all that uncertainty xx

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My husband died 3 years ago and I don’t want to feel this lonely and frightened for the rest of my life, but I don’t know if I am ready to meet someone else. I feel guilty and also how could a new partner measure up to my hubby. On the other hand even a half as good relationship would be good for company and to do things with. To not be alone when you shut the front door.

I still wear my wedding ring which hasn’t been off my finger since hubby put it on in church. Maybe not ready and not being fair to a potential partner where I don’t want to let go of hubby. How do you know when you are ready and being fair to the other party??

I have thought of dating sites but too frightened of not meeting someone genuine. I go out a lot in the hope of meeting someone naturally to start as a friendship but I only seem to meet up with other ladies who become friends.

I’m confused and wanting to move forward but not sure I’m being fair or balanced about it yet?

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any time is the right time but do be careful of the online dating sites, most are a con, they charge you the earth to join and you dont know who you are talking to, . try joining places where you meet people face to face.
you are not trying to replace the person you spent yrs with just getting another person in your life.


@SueF1 thank you for your words of encouragement.